This week we explored different teaching methods in P.E. I was glad to get a better understanding of some theories through our group discussion. Steve was able to join our discussion and explain the idea of class-run sports organizations with students being involved in various roles such as head-coach, equipment manager, and media relations. I understood that it would take some time to organize the unit so that each student is contributing but I think it would be a great opportunity to bring PE into the classroom.
I thought the group that presented provided a brilliant modelling of the Teaching Games for Understanding method. Rather than immediately immersing us in the objectives and rules of the invasion game, their group set up more simplified activities that allowed us to build upon our skills and knowledge to better strategize in the end. During my practicum this week I encountered a volleyball lesson that could have benefitted from using this progression method. In my observation, groups of 6 children were asked to volley a volleyball and make 30 touches. I found that some individuals didn’t have a strong sense of the movements for bumping or setting, these students were not motivated to play and their teammates were avoiding passing the ball in their direction. With stations focusing on skill progression this lesson could have gone smoother and ended with the 30-touch activity. I think this team teach lesson has had the most impact on my teaching style. It ties in the theories of the Zone of Proximal Development, meeting kids where their at developmentally and giving them the tools to practice skills, and then test what they’ve learned with a challenge. Fridays class was a job will done and a great application of course themes!
I agree Cheryl. I really like the idea of the sport organization model. There might be an option of making it a part of our ten week practicum – maybe we can set up some games between schools?
It seems like there is a lot of room for innovation when you work with this model. You can look at any real life sports team, rotate roles, and incorporate cross curriculum programming. Most importantly, it allows you to adapt your lessons as you go along to match what your children are enjoying about it.
The group did an amazing job last week! They set the bar really high for the rest of us who haven’t gone yet. The progression within their final game helped us see how important it was to scaffold and build complexity. It had ties to many different sports, but was way more accessible than just jumping straight into them.