Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to participate in gymnastics in my elementary PE classes before, so the group teach and the activities in the gymnastics room were definitely a new eye-opening experience for me! I really appreciated how the group teach focussed on only one fundamental skill of balance, and was able to come up with a variety of different activities for their demonstration. Being able to balance seems like such a simple task, we do it every day by just walking and standing, but their activities really emphasized how important the concept of balance is among different sports and activities.
I also thought that their circuit activities were well executed and explained. All the exercises required very little equipment, but we were still able to demonstrate the skills properly as individuals and as a team. Also, it was most definitely a plus that we had the opportunity to move the rest of the class to the gymnastics room. Having the lesson in a different environment than we usually do, (with gymnastics, outdoor ed) emphasizes the importance of alternate activities and gives me some ideas that I can use when I am with my students.
Great job Sydney, Sienna, and Maria!