Grade 6- Gymnastics
Lesson Plan Outline:
- Shape of the day, and definitions, safety (5 mins)
- Group discussion (10-15 mins)
- Basic Movement Patterns/Skills (2 mins)
- Instant Activity (5 mins)
- Haunted Halloween Line Tag (10 mins)
- Four stations (8 mins)
- Gymnastics Relay (5 mins)
- Cool down/ Goodbye Circle (2 mins)
Introduction (5 minutes):
- “Good morning grade 6, we are excited to continue with our gymnastics unit. We would just like to remind you all of the safety rules”
- 1 whistle blow: stop, look at the instructor, and listen for further instructions
- 2 whistles: hurry into the center circle quietly, and sit down to wait for further instructions. Ask for clarity → “Does everyone understand?”
- When we are using equipment, we must be mindful of others, and make sure everyone is able to have a turn. While waiting for your turn, keep a safe distance. Equipment that we are not using at the moment will be off-limits.
- We will be assessing the class on their individual participation throughout the class, their ability to follow along in the drills as instructed and are able to complete the tasks at their best ability (see assessment at the bottom the lesson plan).
Group Discussion (10-15 minutes):
- Name students as: Witch (Alana), Zombie (Klara), Vampire (Jess), Ghost (Elissa)
- Break into groups
Basic Movement Patterns/Skills (2 minutes):
- Springs: coordinated limb movement to produce force
- Locomotions: animal movements, jumping
- Landings: absorption of body force
- Rotations: centre of gravity
- Practising a variety of non-locomotor (balancing), locomotor (rolling), and manipulative movement skills
- Movement concepts (e.g. body awareness, spatial awareness, relationships to/with others and objects)
- Able to participate in different types of physical activities (e.g. rhythmic activities, game)
Prescribed Learning Outcomes:
- A1: relate personal physical and emotional health benefits of regular participation to physical activity (eg. energy, endurance, stress managements, fresh air and sunshine when activities are done outside)
- A2: relate the development of muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility to participation in specific physical activities
- B1: practise learned non-locomotor, locomotor, and manipulative movement skills in order to improve
- B4: apply a combination of learned skills to create original sequence, drills, challenges, or games
- C1: demonstrates safe procedures for specific physical activities
- C3: demonstrate leadership in respecting individual differences and abilities during physical activity
- mats
- benches
- cones
- bean bags
- hula hoops
Instant Activity (5-7 minutes):
- Blow whistle twice to meet in centre circle
- Jumping activity:
- Warm up our bodies and mind by using a progressive coordination activity. Refer to YouTube.
- Be sure to note that this is a challenging activity and to try their best to keep up. It is okay if they can not complete this warm up flawlessly. It is meant to challenge their brains and bodies.
- Haunted Halloween Line Tag:
- Learn the different shapes (V-Sit, Pike sit, Tuck sit, Straddle sit) explain the importance of balance in gymnastics, and use your body to express your character (witch, zombie, vampire, ghost).
- Explain that once you get tagged, you are not out! Just perform all 4 body shapes on the side of the gym before you join in again. (This works on spatial awareness)
- Blow whistle once to freeze, then twice to meet in centre circle
4 Stations (8 minutes: 2 minutes/station):
- Break into 4 groups again and go to each station → Witches (Jess: Balancing), Zombies (Klara: Forward rolls/log rolls), Vampires (Elissa: Bear Walk/Crab walk), Ghosts (Alana: jumping)
- Blow whistle for freeze after 2 minutes/station. Yell: “STATION ROTATION!”
- Balancing on Benches:
- arrange 4 benches in a square
- next student may begin once student in front of them has finished first bench
- walking forwards, walking backwards, walking on tippy toes, walking with kicks
- modifications: walk on lines if benches are too challenging
- balancing involves non-locomotor movement and movement concepts. With modifications you can incorporate rotational movement and increase cognitive development.
- Forward Rolls and Log Rolls:
- Rolling down mats one way, coming back on another set of mats doing log rolls
- student may begin their turn once first student has finished their forward rolls.
- Log rolls may begin once first student is half way down mat.
- Bear Walk/ Crab Walk with bean bag:
- Split group into 3 teams, and line up in front of the three columns of cones (4 cones per column)
- Teams begin on the same side, and practice weaving in between cones, starting off with the bear walk in one direction, and then the crab walk when coming back.
- Next, to make it slightly more challenging, bear walk with bean bag tucked under chin, and crab walk with bean bag on stomach → if it falls, stop and place back on stomach
- modifications: to simplify, remove the number of cones so to lower the difficulty level. Also, remove bean bags if necessary.
- Jumping:
- Start with students in a circle practicing their jumping and landings. First on one foot, then the other foot. Then focus on two foot jumps forwards and backwards over a line, followed by high jumps and hanging in a motorcycle landing.
- arrange hula hoops on the floor for jumping drills (side-to-side one foot jumps, and side-to-side two foot jumps)
- Have two stackable vaults set at different heights for the students to jump off of and practice their landings. Focus on their soft motorcycle landings. Making sure the students always feels safe and are not forced to do something they feel uncomfortable doing.
- Rotate through the little circuit.
- Blow whistle to freeze, blow whistle twice to meet in centre circle
Teaching Cues:
- Balancing on Benches:
- balancing arms → “Stretch your arms out like an airplane!”
- looking forwards
- stretch up high → “Make your body tall and long like a pencil!”
- straight legs
- one foot in front of the other
- Forward Rolls & Log Rolls:
- tall like a tree, make a tunnel with your body, tuck your chin in, and push your body forwards
- “Make your body tall and long like a pencil!”
- Bear Walk/ Crab Walk:
- Keep chin tucked in
- long legs and arms
- keep stomach up when doing crab walk
- Jumping:
- arm drive
- bending knees to absorb impact
- motorcycle landing
- lower your center of gravity
Closure/ Cooldown (2 minutes):
- stretching circle
- goodbye circle → “Head and shoulders, knees and toes, stretch up high and wave goodbye”
Safety Elements:
- Equipment is dry, clean, and not broken
- Secure landing mats
- Flat landing area
- Ensure that the athletes shoe laces are tied
- Dress accordingly for the activity
- Backpacks
- Projector
- Benches
Assessment & Evaluation:
- Based on effort, participation and behavior which is given through oral feedback, rubric provided at the end of the document
Evaluation Strategies:
- Each station has a specific skill that will be practiced and will be evaluated by the leading TC
- The class will be notified before the activity and again at each station.
- Leading TC’s will provide oral feedback for the students to implement
We were planning on including these additional activities if time permitted.
Gymnastics Routine!:
- Separate teams into their 4 halloween groups (Witch, Zombie, Ghost, Vampire)
- Have each group create a 1 minute routine incorporating the body shapes and locomotor movements that they have learned in class.
- Have each group present their routine to the other groups
Gymnastics Challenge!:
- Separate teams into their 4 halloween groups (Witch, Zombie, Ghost, Vampire)
- Have students complete a sequence of activities learned in class by completing the activities with their best technique and creativity skills. This is set up across the gymnasium in groups of four (each group will be completing this on their own). This allows for creativity and incorporating all the new skills they have learned.
- Set up equipment:
- 4 benches → balance across backwards
- 8 mats (2 per each line) → 1 forward roll, 2 complete rotation log rolls
- 16 cones (4 per each line) → bear walk bean back under chin through cones
- 16 hula hoops (4 per each line) → jump like a frog from lily pad to lily pad
- **Emphasize that this is not a race! We are looking for PROPER form and execution of practiced skills**
Marking Rubric:
Work Cited:
Gymnastics Assessment. Exported from:
Cool Games & Fun Warm-Ups, YouTube. Exported from: