Today’s reading summary made me think a lot more about assessment in a PE class. I think it is important to assess students on their physical literacy, in addition to their physical skills. The four basic principles are important components to include when you are grading your students. As a teacher, I want to ensure I assess students fairly and regularly. I’d also like to give my students an opportunity to voice their opinions about class activities. Maybe allow them to work on an activity or sport for a group project. I think it’s so important to encourage students to stay physically fit and healthy. If they are interested in a certain aspect of PE, I’d like to show my support and allow them to explore their interests and thoughts.
I was also interested to learn more about fundamental movement skills in PE classes. I look back to my PE classes in school and how we were forced to play baseball and basketball. I never understood that I was working on my movement skills. I think it would be beneficial for teachers to explain the benefits of PE class and why it is important to develop movement skills. While I was in school, if I knew that running and kicking were important skills to become a great soccer player, I would have practiced more. I have always been uncoordinated so I struggled to do well in sports like soccer and baseball. I think if I became interested in a sport early on, I would have developed my fundamental movement skills at a quicker pace. I didn’t enjoy playing sports until I reached my early twenties when I started going to the gym and working on my physical health. I look forward to next week’s class!