David Martin and Nancy Knowlton- Smart Technolgoies

There are two founders for the SMART Technologies Company. David Martin, who is the Co-founder, Director, chairman and was a CEO of this company. Nancy Knowlton who is also a co-founder, Director, vice-chair and was and a CEO. These two individuals founded SMART technologies in 1987. Nancy has an undergraduate in business administration, she qualified as a charter accountant and she did an entrepreneurially oriented M.B.A. which inspired her to want her own business. David had a couple of business prior to the development of Smart Technologies. They both wanted to develop a company and they saw the Smart board as a great opportunity.

Nancy Knowlton and her husband David Martin originally came up with these ideas as a means of making presentations and classroom activities more interactive. They developed the Smart Board as a means of replacing flipcharts, chalkboard and whiteboard. They are known for their invention that was launched in 1991, the Smart Board. The Smart Board was the first interactive whiteboard. This product allows for touch control on a whiteboard for application being run on a computer that is attached to the Smart board.  Their initial research and development was done in the kitchen of their condo in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  This technology gained precedence due to its interactive properties and has become a produce that is used in all types of industries all over the world, including schools . Smart Technologies is currently a publicly traded company and their headquarters in still located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

I personally found this couple to be very inspiring. They had a vision that they believed in and worked hard to achieve it. They started from their own home and worked their way up as they strived towards their goal. This product was innovative and helped move presentation making and classroom learning in a more digital and interactive direction.  These individuals have won many awards for their contribution to this industry and for their forward thinking innovations. 

Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp