“Side by Side” by Anita Kushwaha (Inanna Publications)
“The Afrikaner” by Arianna Dagnino (Guernica Editions, guest post at “Consumed by Ink” by James Fisher).
“Some People’s Children by Bridget Canning” (Breakwater Books)
“The Tender Birds” by Carole Giangrande (Inanna Publications)
“A Song From Faraway” by Deni Ellis Béchard (Goose Lane Editions)
“Lay Figures” by Mark Blagrave (Nimbus Publishing)
“All I Ask” by Eva Crocker (House of Anansi Press)
Of the above seven titles, three will be awarded either gold, silver, or bronze award early in September 2020. The entire longlist can be seen here.
Arianna Dagnino’s website: https://www.ariannadagnino.com/