Common name:
Family: Compositae
Information: “Pakistan to Utter Pradesh…Rocks; common in Ladakh and forming large clumps.” Polunin and Stainton 1999)
Photo: K. Hewitt. Location/date TBD
Sources and additional resources:
GBIF Secretariat (2021). Inula obtusifolia Kerner. GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset. Accessed 8 Aug 2021.
- Not in Project -Missouri Botanical Garden 2021.
Polunin, O. and A. Stainton (1999). Inula obtusifolia Kerner. Flowers of the Himalaya. Oxford University Press, Delhi. Entry 660 (p. 189; plate 59).
WFO (2021): Inula obtusifolia A. Kerner. Online at: Accessed 8 Aug 2021.