Common name: Himalayan rose

Family: Rosaceae


Photo: Dumordo-Tsok High Pass, ca. 3450 m. Hewitt, 2009.


Sources and additional resources:

Missouri Botanical Garden, Flora of Pakistan. Accessed on Jun. 2020.

Polunin, O. and A. Stainton (1999). Flowers of the Himalaya. Oxford University Press, Delhi. Entry 173 (p. 113; plate 32).

Singh et al. (2017). Morphological and molecular characterization revealed high species level diversity among cultivated, introduced and wild roses (Rosa spp.) of western Himalayan region. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 64(3).

WFO (2021): Rosa webbiana Wall. ex Royle. Available online at: Accessed on: 11 Jul 2021