Hydrophyllum capitatum Douglas ex Benth.
Common name: Ballhead waterleaf Family: Boraginaceae (Sub-family: Hydrophyllaceae) Information: Occurs in montane to subalpine zones in mesic to dry forested…
Common name: Ballhead waterleaf Family: Boraginaceae (Sub-family: Hydrophyllaceae) Information: Occurs in montane to subalpine zones in mesic to dry forested…
Common name: Mountain Forget-me-not / Asian Forget-me-not Family: Boraginaceae Synonyms: Myosotis alpestris auct. non F.W. Schmidt, Myosotis alpestris subsp. asiatica Vesterg….
Common name: Silky phacelia / Sky pilot (the latter also in use for another unrelated species) Family: Boraginaceae Information: This…