Erythronium grandiflorum Pursh subsp. grandiflorum
Common name: Yellow glacier lily; Avalanche lily Family: Liliaceae Information: A yellow flowered lily that flowers splendidly early in the…
Common name: Yellow glacier lily; Avalanche lily Family: Liliaceae Information: A yellow flowered lily that flowers splendidly early in the…
Common name: Woolly pussytoes Family: Compositae Information: Found in a variety of habitats from meadows to heath, in subalpine to…
Common name: Small-flowered paintbrush Family: Orobanchaceae Information: Grows at subalpine to alpine elevations in meadows and heaths, streamside environments. Species of…
Common name: Worm-leaved stonecrop Family: Crassulaceae Information: Common in S. BC; dry rocky cliffs, talus slopes and meadows from the lowland…
Common name: Tall white bog orchid / White rein-orchid Family: Orchidaceae Information: Perennial that grows in swamps, wet meadows and…
Photo: Wikimedia commons, James Lindsey at Ecology of Commanster / CC BY-SA Common name: Red-stemmed feathermoss / Schreber’s big…
Common name: Alpine blue grass Family: Poaceae Information: This grass species is a perennial with a dense base. It is…
Common name: Drummond’s cinquefoil / Diverse-leaved cinquefoil Family: Rosaceae Information: This perennial herb is mainly found in the ESSF…
Common name: Partridge-foot Family: Rosacea Description: Species with white flowers; leaves are fine feathery and largely concealed among the broader leaved…
Common name: Fireweed Description: Pink flower Family: Onagraceae Information: This perennial is named for its occurrence in burned areas. It is…