What is it?
- Vaccine against bovine tuberculosis for badgers
- Known as the Badger BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin)
- Commercially available in 2010, but only available as injection
This video shows how badgers are vaccinated.
- Do not need to euthanize any wildlife
- Can reduce risk of bTB-positive badgers, and decrease spread across badger social groups
- Herd immunity, where enough individuals are protected from bTB by vaccination to prevent entire group from being infected
- Expensive!!
- Need to live cage-trap badgers and check cages every morning (labour-intensive)
- Need to give booster annually for min. 5 years
- Does not cure infected animals
- More effective in younger badgers, which are more likely to be hidden in badger setts
- Estimated over 5 years = £3,365 per vaccinated badger