Oligotrichum aligerum


This moss can be commonly found in open, inorganic, acidic soil of disturbed banks and trail margins, and along water courses.


Overall structure:


This species forms various looking turfs. They are small and dark-green to wine-red colored and rigid.




Leaf Structure:

O. aligerum has divergent leaves when humid and imbricate ( leaves lying close to the stem, pointing toward the apex) when dry. They are lanceolate, slightly sheathing at the base, and have rigid-like lamellae that are found on both surfaces of the leaf.




Here is a closer look at the slightly wavy lamellae of O. aligerum.





Male gametophyte:

The perigonial plants tend to be in separate colonies. Perigonial leaves are usually triangular-ovate and form rosettes, which function as a splash-cup mechanism to aid in the sperm dispersal.




The sporophytes of O. aligerum are dark brown when they are mature.






The seta of this species is straight and reddish-brown.