Instructor Spotlight – Lacey Samuels

Professor Samuels has a B.Sc. in Neurobiology from McGill University in Montreal, and a Ph.D. in Botany, from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC., Canada. She did post-doctoral studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA and at UBC Vancouver, where she has been a faculty member since 2000. Research in the Samuels …

The #1 Thing Your Students Want You To Do

By Christine Goedhart To gain a better understanding of the experiences and needs of our students, Gülnur Birol and I recently interviewed a number of UBC students who had completed biology courses. In their responses to the interview questions, these students generously shared many things that instructors could do to improve the experiences of students …

TA Spotlight – Rhea Storlund

Rhea Storlund is a PhD student in the Marine Mammal Research Unit supervised by Dr. Andrew Trites and Dr. Dave Rosen. Her research interests lie in understanding how the circulatory systems of marine mammals contribute to their impressive diving abilities. To this end, she investigates cardiovascular adjustments in Steller sea lions and the structure and …

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