The purpose of this site is to connect you to teaching and learning-related information in the UBC Biology Program. We showcase tips for teaching and spotlight the great people and work being done in our teaching and learning community.
You can receive these feature stories and tips in our bimonthly newsletter along with more information on upcoming news and events.
People Spotlights

TA Spotlights: Featuring graduate Teaching Assistants (TAs) and the great accomplishments and contributions they are making to the Biology program.
Instructor Spotlights: Featuring Biology instructors and the great things they are doing in their classes.
Student Spotlights: Featuring of the life and experiences of students in UBC Biology.
Student Research Spotlights: Featuring the experiences of Biology students who are doing innovative and exciting research at UBC.
Staff Spotlights: Featuring our amazing staff and the work they do to support learning within the Biology program at UBC.
Teaching Resources & Tips

Teaching Spotlights: Featuring innovative teaching methods, activities, and assignments developed by people in the Biology program.
Tips for Teaching: Blog article series featuring tips and best practices for teaching and learning.
Sex and Gender Inclusivity in Biology Resources: Links to websites and articles that provide information and tips for making biology courses more sex and gender inclusive.
Inclusive Teaching in Biology Resources: Links to websites and articles that provide information and tips for making biology courses more inclusive and equitable.
Mid-course Student Feedback Resources: Links to templates and advice guides specific to UBC Science.
Scientist Spotlight Assignment Resources: Information and links for including Scientist Spotlight assignments in biology courses.
Interesting Reads: A selection of recent papers and readings relevant to teaching and learning.
Resource Spotlights: A collection of resources to support teaching and learning.
UBC Biology Instructor FAQs: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on course syllabi, academic concessions, and other guidelines for learner-centred and inclusive teaching.