Addressing the 5 Major Reasons Instructors Don’t Do Mid-Course Student Feedback

By Christine Goedhart There are many reasons to ask students for mid-course feedback. It’s a great way to learn about students and how they are experiencing the course so that you know what’s working well and what could be improved. It’s also an opportunity to build trust and rapport with students and to show them …

TA Spotlight – Nicole Bison

I’m a 2nd year MSc student in the UBC Physiological Ecology Lab. I’m originally from Kamloops, BC, where I completed my first two years of university before transferring to UBC to earn my BSc with a specialization in Ecology. At UBC, I completed an undergraduate thesis where I used mathematical models to evaluate key factors …

Teaching Spotlight – Instructor Experiences with Mid-course Student Feedback

The midpoint of a course is a great time to ask students for feedback – students now have enough experience in the course to provide meaningful feedback, and there’s still time in the term to respond to the feedback they provide. Below, Rachel Germain, Bridgette Clarkston, and Jaclyn Dee share their experiences with doing mid-course …

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