Summer Institute Day 2
by Jing Liu ~ July 23rd, 2008. Filed under: Summer Institute for Chinese Studies Librariship.Xiao Long, AUL of Peking U, gave a practical and open lecture in the morning on e-resources and their usage at academic libraries in China. I found it very useful and will go through those that we don’t have, such as 新华在线、时代圣典, etc. My group is more interested in the comparison among the same type of databases and dissertations. I found it very refreshing to see the Open Access development in China. Most of the Chinese OA journals are not part of a larger aggregation, but are published independently. Relatively more OA journals are published in the fields of health sciences.
师兄陈传夫超紧张地开始,却兴奋地刹不住车。我们的问题实在太多啦,横跨中西、来自我们的工作实际操作,把陈兄忙得不亦乐乎,时间到了也丝毫没有给小柯让位的意思。Poor Mr. Ke, from CNKI, finally grabbed the instructor’s machine, and started the demo of the new personal digital library, while most of people still in the copyright mood. The setup is a bit complicated, but Yunshan, a real scholar next to me, thinks it’s useful once we go through its endless setup steps.史超walked into the lab like a student who’s late. Will be really interesting to listen to his session, since all the previous speakers mentioned about SuperStar.