Archive for the 'Readings' Category

What a Scholar!

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

Second time meeting Patricia, after she donated her Grandfather’s books and family records to the Asian Library. It was meant to be an after- work quick catchup, but we ended up chating until the sun set. We were both cold leaving the outdoor cafe, and decided to continue our conversation at another time. Patricia’s Grandmother […]

Playful Time: China in 1911

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

The Grant proposal was the only thing on my mind for over a week. Finally, I could left it with UW colleagues. Replied all messages by 6:45 pm, and felt like I need something to refresh my mind this Friday. Chris‘ talk at RPL was perfect! Not too academic, and very refreshing! He brought the […]


Monday, June 11th, 2012

This book keeps me up today–The Vancouver stories: west coast fiction from Canada’s best writers. I love Vancouver more now and feel different when I just saw the “Lions of Vancouver”. I am sure the stories will come back to me next time when I stroll in Stanley, West End or Chinatown. As Stephen said […]

No Slow Time

Monday, April 30th, 2012

The campus is so quiet on this rainy Monday, as if I could hear the petals falling off the magnolia trees by IKBLC. Solving a mystery of a series with messy bib records as soon as I walked into the library, turned out it’s a call-back set from Surrey storage. This reminds me several recent […]

Ming Diaries

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Prof. Brook can’t wait to read the newly arrived 嘉興文獻叢書, especially the Diary by Feng Mengzhen (1548-1595)–《快雪堂日記》. I remember his presentation at the last BC China Scholars’ Forum. Tim was desperately looking for living cost in Ming Dynasty and expenditures on collectables, etc. I finally found them in Feng’s diary. This poor scholar 500 years […]

Olympic Opening Ceremony and Book History

Monday, September 1st, 2008

Cheng Huanwen said in his Blog: 北京奥运会开幕式不过是上了一堂空前绝后的中国图书史教学课!Darn! Missed that part. Hope to get a DVD soon, for myself and UBC students.

Change Is Difficult

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

It is hard to let the print go after decades of collection development, but what if they are not being used? Cal Poly Library’s Dean, Mr. Schleifer says, “If you look at our user population, in many ways they are far ahead of us in terms of what they like to use and how they […]

A well-written article on Chinese Librarianship

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Just finished reading “Career Choices and Advancement: Chinese American Librarians in the 21st Century”, a study published in the latest issue of “Internet Chinese Librarians”, and I’d highly recommend this article to all of you who are interested in Chinese American/Canadian Librarianship. A well-done research article with significant contribution to the minority librarianship literature as […]

33 Reasons We Are still Working

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

An article published early this year in Degree Tutor lists many reasons of our existence. What about 10 years from now?

Library Student Journal

Thursday, December 28th, 2006

I enjoy reading this quality open access journal targeted at library school students. Beautifully done and good content. There should be more journals open accessed next year.

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