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Into the world of Illegal fishing: what can be done about it

Think about the variety and quantity of food that is available to you every day, just waiting to be ordered, bought, or selected to become part of your favorite meal. Now imagine a world where this variety is no more, where the different types of fish available at the local market have been reduced to a select few. This scenario is not as far from reality as it might seem, in that illegal fishing in the Southern Ocean has ravaged the populations of many fish species. This is a story on illegal fishing and how international policy works to combat the devastation that it has on fish populations and how different people can relate to this issue through their perspectives.

Lindsay Aylesworth, a PhD student in zoology from Miami, Florida researched the effects of illegal fishing of a species known as the Patagonian Toothfish in the waters near Antarctica and how an international organization known as the CCAMLR has responded to regulate the fishing in the area in order to sustain the fish populations that may be in peril. The following interview explores two perspectives, one where Lindsay talks about how this organization works and another where a local fisherman talks about his experience with fishing policy and regulation on his own boat:

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Through both of these insights, there seems to be a very strict code of regulation that is followed in at least the Canadian fisheries, and it seems like the involvement of these regulators on the boats truly deters, if not prevents illegal activity.

Now it may seem like there are some big players involved in regulating the oceans, but that does not give everyone else an excuse to ignore the case of the Patagonian Toothfish because the market for fish boils down to the consumer. Thus if the public is not aware of this issue then, then vibrant and diverse selections like what is shown below may not exist in the future.

variety of fish at local market (photo by Chelsea Forbes)

In effect, it is crucial to look at the big picture to examine how the CCAMLR can provide more credibility in the data that it collects and how consumers can help build awareness, as Lindsay points out:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

It is only through collective effort and awareness that illegal fishing can be reduced, and the easy part, as stated by Lindsay, is as simple as asking where the food is coming from at the dinner table. Time will tell if these efforts by consumers and governments pay off and prevent the decimation of fish populations all over the world.

By Surbinder Bolina, Chelsea Forbes, Kady Mcappin, Shadi Saffari





Exercise lead to Better Grades?

For many university students, exercising is nonexistent in their daily lives except for the 5-10 minute walks to their lecture rooms. However, many studies indicate there is a positive correlation between academic performance and physical activities.

A study done by researchers at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan concluded that out of 266 undergraduate students they observed, those who regularly participated in any form of physical activities obtained higher G.P.A’s compared to those who did not. To make sure physical activities did in fact influence the students’ academic success, the researchers considered a wide range of factors including gender, study time, study area, and the students’ majors. After considering the control variables, the researchers were able to come to a common consensus that students involved in vigorous physical activities had on average, 0.4 higher G.P.A’s.

Could it be that high academic achievers are simply more likely to be higher achievers in other areas of interest such as physical activities as well? While this may be true, recent studies support that physical activities help stimulate the brain.  Neuroscientist, Jeff Lipman from Harvard University points out although there isn’t a known biological mechanism of how exercise might stimulate new brain cells, any form of physical activities increase blood flow to the brain thus delivering essential amounts of oxygen and nutrients. In addition, Dr. John Ratey, a psychiatrist and professor from Harvard University describes exercise as “food for the brain”. Dr. Ratey has extensively written beneficial effects of physical activities. Through his research on animal studies, exercise stimulates development of new brain cells in hippocampus, a major component of the brain.

While most students feel exercising cannot fit into their busy school schedule, there are many different ways to find motivation to do so, according to College Parents of America.  Most universities offer free or highly subsidized fee for access to campus facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, and racquetball courts. After university, students will most likely pay much more for similar facilities. In addition, most students are not aware of the fact that they are paying annually for these facilities in their tuition fee whether they use it or not. It should be reminded that exercising does not always involve the gym. There are many different types of intramural sports offered on most campuses such as basketball, soccer, and baseball. Finally, physical activities should be long term therefore, finding something enjoyable and can be maintained is essential in having a positive attitude towards exercising.

Sometimes, it is easy to get lost in the hectic life of working and studying. However, it is necessary to take the time to take care of your body. Exercising will not only help students stay fit but it is highly likely to help them achieve academic success as well.

Here is a youtube clip on how exercising lead to better grades   username MrStudyTV:

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Video used:

-Ryan Song

Hypnosis: A Natural Human Ability !

Have you ever been so much focused on a task, such as watching an interesting movie or reading a novel, that you could not hear noises around you? If your answer is yes, then you have experienced hypnosis to some degree !

What happens when you are hypnotized? Donald Kraig answers this question in a simple way. He explains our conscious mind to be the one that is logical and makes plans but our unconscious mind to be the one responsible for our emotions, habits and beliefs. The unconscious mind follows the commands that it receives. However, another part of the mind filters the information that goes from the conscious mind to the unconscious mind. Hypnotists call it the critical factor. For example, you decide to quit smoking by your conscious mind. Nevertheless, the critical factor tells your unconscious that “quitting smoking is harder than quitting heroin, so you cannot quit.” That is why we are not always successful in changing our habits despite our willingness to change. Hypnosis actually provides an alternative path to communicate directly with the unconscious mind without the interference of the critical factor.

In the video below, uploaded by “JFLdotCOM,” John Francis Leader who is a psychologist and hypnotherapist explains how hypnosis actually works.

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One of the important information that he provides is about the areas of the brain that are activated during the hypnosis. He says when a person is deeply focused on doing something, the same part of the brain is activated as when the person is taking the action in reality. Therefore, the person can practice doing something (such as quitting smoking) in his brain.

Clearly, hypnosis is a harmless practice that can help us change our habits. However, most of us have misconceptions about this technique. An article discusses several common misconceptions about hypnosis.

Most people think hypnosis is like sleep.  (Picture uploaded by “Hypnosis,Hypnotherapist,hypnotherapy”  available from

Firstly, you are not asleep during the hypnosis. Although you might not move during the hypnosis and close your eyes to feel more relaxed, you are deeply focused and fully alert.You are awake and aware of what is going on around you all the time.

Secondly, You have full control over your actions while you are hypnotized.  For example, a hypnotist cannot make you tell your secrets to him/her against your will.

Thirdly, after hypnosis, you can remember what happened during the hypnosis session. However, in some cases, people forget what happened to them for several reasons other than the hypnosis experience itself. For example, some people believe that they cannot remember anything from their hypnotized state.This belief makes them forget what happened. Furthermore, some people only pay attention to a particular concept,so they might not remember anything other than that.

Finally, anyone can be hypnotized, not only the stupid ones! To be hypnotized, you need to be able to concentrate and be imaginative. Therefore, in contrast to what people believe, intelligent people might be hypnotized easier.

In conclusion, despite the misconceptions about hypnosis, it helps you focus more deeply on different things.

Maryam Goharian

Sources from:


Granite Vs. Quartz Countertops

The city of Vancouver has some of the world’s highest housing prices.  The average price for a detached home in Vancouver is $1,073,311.  This is an enormous amount of money and therefore it is important for buyers to receive a quality built home.  Since the heart of a home is the kitchen, countertops are a very important detail.  Due to their durability and strength, stone countertops are on top of everyone’s wish list.  A majority of the newly constructed homes use either granite or quartz countertops.  But one question arises, which is better?

This image is from


Granite is a naturally occurring rock that forms from the cooling and solidifying of magma from the earth’s crust.  This type of formation classifies granite as an igneous rock.  Granite rocks come in a variety of colours due to their chemical composition, making it a go to countertop option because of its design flexibility.   It also is very durable in the kitchen and has minimum maintenance.  Other countertops, such as marble, need to be sealed with protective layers very often and are not able to withstand very high temperatures.  Granite on the other hand only needs to be sealed with a protective coating once a year and has a density of 2.65, making it very strong, and has a melting pointing of approximately 1250 degrees Celsius.  This allows individuals to place hot trays and pots onto granite countertops without fear of it cracking or getting destroyed.

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Video uploaded on Youtube by 

The other main competitor to granite in the housing industry is quartz.  Quartz is not a natural stone instead it is engineered.  It is a mixture of approximately 90% quartz, which is a very common mineral founds in many different types of rocks, and 10% resin, which is a hard glue like substance.  The combination of these substances makes quartz countertops very strong and durable.  It has a melting point of 1300 degrees Celsius and a density of 2.75.  Another benefit of quartz countertops is that they never need to be sealed; there is no fear or problem of liquids or food ever getting into pores in the slab.  Also because quartz rock is so widespread, it comes in very large range of colours.

A quartz crystal from


Based on the data and stats of both countertops, they are fairly similar in terms of their strength.  In terms of their appearances, granite does have more variation, but due to its extremely easy maintenance, quartz is superior to granite.  Overall buyers should not be discouraged by granite countertops, but quartz countertops are slightly better in terms of their quality.

Good news to Chocolate lovers

Yummy chocolates. Picture by WoofBC on Flickr

        Do you have to restrain yourself from indulging in that chocolate calling you from the store windows? Well, now you can loosen up a bit! The good new is that more studies are showing that chocolate is actually beneficial for your health. Most of us love chocolate. Chocolate is a popular food around the world. It is given as traditional gifts on some holidays: Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas. However, we try to avoid eating chocolate whenever possible because of its fattening characteristics, and because it is addictive. Addictive things have never been good for us. However, chocolate consists of many compounds besides fats and sugar. Of the many compositions, I’ll focus on flavonoids, which naturally originate from cacao, the main ingredient in chocolate.

        In contrast to our beliefs, chocolates can have a positive effect on our health. There are still some contradicting opinions, but there has been increasing evidence of chemicals, such as flavonoids, in cacao that improve our health. On October 10, 2012, a study by Franz H. Messerli was published correlating between chocolate consumption in 23 different countries and their populations’ cognitive function. His study was based on the Nobel Prize winners to mimic the overall cognitive function of the 23 countries. It so turns out that increase in the amount of chocolate consumption does increase the number of Nobel laureates in the countries. This, as mentioned above, is due to flavonoids in the cacao. These secondary metabolites have been proven for better cognitive function[1]. For example, elderly patients reduce the risk of dementia by taking flavonoids[1]. The study’s results were that unsurprisingly, Switzerland, famous for their chocolate, was in the lead of both chocolate consumption and Nobel Prize winners. Now, I don’t think chocolate is the absolute causation of increased number of Nobel Prize winners, but according to the article, chocolate somewhat has an influence on the cognitive function.

        Furthermore, flavonoids lower blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels in the in the brain. We all know that high blood pressure can be deadly because they are highly known for the causation of strokes and heart attacks.

Choose dark Chocolate! Picture by Boz Bros on Flickr

        An important point to note is that not all chocolates have flavonoids. Dark chocolate contains four times more flavonoids than milk chocolate, while white chocolate doesn’t have any [2]. So choose dark chocolate to satisfy your cravings and maintain your health! But of course, you shouldn’t depend on dark chocolate for better health. They, too, have calories and sugar[2]. Chocolate can help, but the key to health is healthy eating and exercise. We should consume chocolate from time to time, we might build up more stress if we have to force ourselves to stay away from it!

The following video shortly explains the health benefits of chocolate:

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Article on Messerli’s study

Article from CBC


Canada Finally Shamed Into Banning Asbestos

Asbestos is a very strong substance that became popular in the late 19th century for many reasons; its durable and fire-resistant properties make it handy for building and electrical wiring. Asbestos is also very affordable, as well as an excellent material for sound absorption. At one point, the town of Asbestos, Quebec was home to the largest asbestos mine in the world (Wikipedia, 2012). In other words: it is cheap, strong and useful.

Now, most of us know the downside to this seemingly flawless substance: it’s a carcinogen. Exposure to the substance has been proven to cause lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma. Its mining and use has been banned from over 50 countries worldwide, including the European Union (Wikipedia, 2012). Removal of asbestos is done carefully from older homes and buildings with the utmost caution. So why is Canada one of the only countries continuing to export the well-known carcinogen?

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As current as 2010, Canada was mining 150,000 tonnes of asbestos and exporting 90% of it to developing countries. Why? Because it was one of the only materials developing countries could afford and our government didn’t see anything wrong with selling it to them. Of the 6 forms of the substance, chrysotile asbestos is still being mined in Canada. Quebec’s provincial government actually promised to loan $58 million to reopen a mine in the previously mentioned region of Asbestos. The Federal government’s stance on chrysotile asbestos during the last three Rotterdam Conventions was that ‘[they] promote the safe and controlled use of chrysotile’ (CBC Radio-Canada, 2012); this went against more than 50 other nations. Canada’s bullheaded stance (with the likes of Vietnam, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) has halted the final form of asbestos from being listed as a hazardous susbstance at the conference, until now.

Whether due to a sudden epiphany or with another agenda in mind, Canada finally agreed with the rest of the world and consented to banning the use and shipment of chrysotile asbestos at the most recent Rotterdam Convention. As of this Friday, the Quebecois provincial government has promised they will cancel the previously promised loan and ban the production and export of asbestos in the future. Ottawa has even promised a $50 million investment into diversifying the region and hopefully replacing some of the 400 jobs that would have been created upon reopening of the mine (CBC Radio-Canada, 2012).

I don’t know why it took this long, but it makes me a little less of a cynic to hear that Canada has changed its stance on the asbestos debate. I’m proud of the government’s decision and I hope it continues to look out for the welfare of the less fortunate in the future.



Youtube. “Restricting Asbestos.” (accesses October 8, 2012)

Wikipedia. “Asbestos.” (accessed October 8, 2012)

CBC Radio-Canada. “Canada Won’t Oppose Asbestos Limits.” (accessed October 8, 2012)


Chimeras: Not as Fictional as You Think

Chimera [ki-meeruh] usually defined as:

1. n. A mythological, fire-breathing monster, commonly represented with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail. (source)

However, there is also a lesser known genetic definition:

2. n. An organism composed of two or more genetically distinct tissues, as an organism that is partly male and partly female, or an artificially produced individual having tissues of several species. (source)

Now this definition is applicable in the real world.

DNA to chromosome Image source

One type of chimerism is tetragametic chimerism. Tetragametic chimerism occurs when different sperm fertilizes two eggs. Two zygotes develop and then fuse together, this isn’t effected by gender difference. The remaining zygote has two distinct sets of DNA and therefore 46 pairs of chromosomes instead of the typical 23. When the fetus develops the organs have different DNA types, for example, their liver will have one set of DNA and their lungs the other set of DNA. Observable chimera phenotype characteristics are differences in the pigment of their eyes, hair and patches of skin, also a possibility of extraneous sexual organs.However, in humans the condition is rare, most have no presenting abnormal characteristics and live completely unaware.

Two infamous cases of tetragametic chimerism in humans are Karen Keegan and Lydia Fairchild.

Keegan needed a kidney transplant and her children were tested as potential matches. The results showed that only one of her three children was actually related to her. After extensive testing on Keegan’s different organ tissues researchers discovered, and published in 2002, that Keegan had 46 pairs of chromosomes and was a natural chimera.

In 2005, Fairchild discovered she had different DNA from her two children after DNA testing done to get welfare aid. She was accused of welfare fraud and threatened to have her children taken from her custody. When her third child was born and DNA testing was negative again, she was under the suspicion that she was lying as a surrogate or had acquired her children illegally. Only after presenting the published chimera paper on Keegan, Fairchild was tested and proven as a chimera as well.

Presently, scientists are researching if chimera organisms have better immunity or if the genetics can be used for future biological advances. Unnatural chimeras such as ‘geeps’, a fusion of a sheep and goat embryo, have already been successfully created as well as human and animal fused embryos. Using these hybrids, however, involves stem cell research and genetic engineering, which brings up major ethical problems and controversy in the scientific community.

So, we’ll never have mythological fire breathing creatures, but you have to admit it’s still pretty darn cool.

– Rachel Chang