Is Cholesterol Good or Bad?

Photo by EMSL (

With the recent trends in the 21st century, people are more concerned and becoming more knowledgeable of the risks with elevated levels of cholesterol. Many people when hear about cholesterol immediately relate it with heart problems however cholesterol has many prominent functions in the body.

Cholesterol, a waxy steroid fat, plays an important role in various systems in the human body. Cholesterol has many functions; it helps in maintaining membrane flow and permeability. It is the basis for synthesizing bile acid, which help to digest food in the intestine. Additionally cholesterol is the precursor for Vitamin D synthesis as well as steroid based hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Cholesterol is also a constituent of myelin sheath that surround nerve fibres to help speed up the rate of signal transduction between nerves. Thus it is crucial to mental function.

Liver makes approximately 85% of cholesterol and only 15% is provided through diet. Cholesterol cannot travel by itself in the body since it does not dissolve in the bloodstream therefore it is transported via lipoproteins. There are two major types of lipoproteins, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL cholesterol is commonly believed to be the ‘bad’ cholesterol as it takes the cholesterol that is produced by the liver to feed the tissues. High level of LDL cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis, which is a hardening of the arteries due to cholesterol build up, and thus plaque formation. HDL cholesterol reduces cholesterol by transporting excess cholesterol from tissues to the liver for elimination from the body.

How can we control our cholesterol level?

Life style changes are one of the first methods for reducing cholesterol levels. Exercising and maintaining a healthy diet can help to reduce LDL.

Photo by Cienpies Design

An interesting food product that is commonly found in households that helps reduce cholesterol is honey! Honey has found to reduce total cholesterol level. It contain antioxidant the prevent cholesterol form coming out of the cells and into the arteries thus reducing LDL cholesterol. Increasing dietary fibres also reduce total LDL by binding to bile acid and carry them outside the body, promoting the liver to convert more cholesterol to bile acid. In addition to natural solution to lower cholesterol levels medications such as statins is recommended which is very effective in preventing cardiovascular disease.




Shadi Saffari



New Car Smell

I’ve always loved the smell of a brand new car.  I personally associate the smell with success and happiness, in my opinion buying a new car is a big milestone and accomplishment.  Unfortunately, there are several hundred different chemicals used in the production of a vehicle’s parts creating the “new car smell.”


A new study from the Ecology Centre in Ann Arbor, Michigan, found more than 275 chemicals in 200 new cars.  A majority of the chemicals are found in upholstered areas of a vehicle, including the steering wheel, armrest, seats and dashboards.  The chemicals create toxic gases and fumes within vehicles that consumers inhale and associate with the “new car smell.”


Image from

The main chemicals found in new cars are Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs), and metals such as chromium, and lead.  BFRs are a mixture of chemicals found in the plastic and fabric components of a vehicle’s interior.  BFRs are known to cause breast cancer, and thyroid hormone problems that are linked to brain and body development.  The combination of the chemicals and toxins has devastating consequences; they include birth defects, impaired learning, and liver issues.

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This video is from Youtube and uploaded by wwwGreenovationTV

A key question that arises to my mind is do all cars have the same amount of chemicals and toxic levels in their interiors?  Interestingly, out of the 200 examined cars, the 2012 Honda Civic has the healthiest interior and contained the least dangerous chemicals.  It was found to have no BFRs and minimum metals.  The worst vehicle was the 2011 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport and the 2011 Chrysler 200 SC.  These two vehicles have high levels of BFRs in their seats and other chemicals in the upholstery.


Overall, I believe it is important to consider the levels of dangerous chemicals when purchasing a new vehicle because as a consumer you will be spending large periods of time in your new vehicle and need to be aware of the potential dangers in the vapors you breathe.  Remember to buy a car based on its quality and minimum use of chemicals, not based on its smell.

Spend Less Time, Burn More Calories!

Many people go on their daily jogs to stay in shape or to get in better shape over time, these long jogs are popular because they are relaxing and enjoyable, while they still elicit a nice sweat at the end to make it all feel worth while. However, for those who are intent on burning extra fat during their busy schedules, there is a more efficient and rewarding routine, one that could take only 15 minutes out of the day, known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Here is an example of a routine:

Example HIIT for 12 minutes (

Interval training entails maximum effort for a short duration, and a longer rest period, while repeating again and again. This method brings out a big response from the body because it is so demanding, and that is why this form of exercise is also great for many high intensity sports such as basketball and football. These facts are summarized in the following video:

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About HIIT benefits for sports (by BodyPerformanceTV,

One of the other major effects of HIIT that trumps long and less-intense ‘cardio’ sessions is the fact the your body still burns calories well throughout the day after the exercise is complete! Also, keep in mind that interval training will take less than half of the time, and will burn more calories in-session if done with 100% effort. The following are the results of a small study that examined the overall effects of HIIT vs regular cardio:

Results of 2 groups tested: HIIT vs regular cardio, fat loss compared in pounds. (,

Thus when solely considering the most effective and efficient means to losing fat through cardio-like activity, interval training is truly superior to less-intense jogs in that it takes less than half an hour to get a workout in and it burns many more calories, throughout the day. So if time is not on your side, don’t let a busy schedule deter you from your goals and adopt a workout routine that can involve interval training.

By Surbinder Bolina

Hypnosis: A Natural Human Ability !

Have you ever been so much focused on a task, such as watching an interesting movie or reading a novel, that you could not hear noises around you? If your answer is yes, then you have experienced hypnosis to some degree !

What happens when you are hypnotized? Donald Kraig answers this question in a simple way. He explains our conscious mind to be the one that is logical and makes plans but our unconscious mind to be the one responsible for our emotions, habits and beliefs. The unconscious mind follows the commands that it receives. However, another part of the mind filters the information that goes from the conscious mind to the unconscious mind. Hypnotists call it the critical factor. For example, you decide to quit smoking by your conscious mind. Nevertheless, the critical factor tells your unconscious that “quitting smoking is harder than quitting heroin, so you cannot quit.” That is why we are not always successful in changing our habits despite our willingness to change. Hypnosis actually provides an alternative path to communicate directly with the unconscious mind without the interference of the critical factor.

In the video below, uploaded by “JFLdotCOM,” John Francis Leader who is a psychologist and hypnotherapist explains how hypnosis actually works.

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One of the important information that he provides is about the areas of the brain that are activated during the hypnosis. He says when a person is deeply focused on doing something, the same part of the brain is activated as when the person is taking the action in reality. Therefore, the person can practice doing something (such as quitting smoking) in his brain.

Clearly, hypnosis is a harmless practice that can help us change our habits. However, most of us have misconceptions about this technique. An article discusses several common misconceptions about hypnosis.

Most people think hypnosis is like sleep.  (Picture uploaded by “Hypnosis,Hypnotherapist,hypnotherapy”  available from

Firstly, you are not asleep during the hypnosis. Although you might not move during the hypnosis and close your eyes to feel more relaxed, you are deeply focused and fully alert.You are awake and aware of what is going on around you all the time.

Secondly, You have full control over your actions while you are hypnotized.  For example, a hypnotist cannot make you tell your secrets to him/her against your will.

Thirdly, after hypnosis, you can remember what happened during the hypnosis session. However, in some cases, people forget what happened to them for several reasons other than the hypnosis experience itself. For example, some people believe that they cannot remember anything from their hypnotized state.This belief makes them forget what happened. Furthermore, some people only pay attention to a particular concept,so they might not remember anything other than that.

Finally, anyone can be hypnotized, not only the stupid ones! To be hypnotized, you need to be able to concentrate and be imaginative. Therefore, in contrast to what people believe, intelligent people might be hypnotized easier.

In conclusion, despite the misconceptions about hypnosis, it helps you focus more deeply on different things.

Maryam Goharian

Sources from:


Malicious Scientific Miscommunication

As you probably have seen in malls or in online ads, there have been a recent surge in products known as “energy bracelets”. Examples you may have heard include “negative ion” bracelets or “hologram bracelets”.

You have probably also heard that these bracelets can improve balance, treat disease, and perhaps even save the world. Skeptical, you might ask the salesperson why or how these bracelets would help you. They would then give you a whole lot of scientific jargon and explain why each piece of false evidence is true.

YouTube Preview ImageA video from Infinity Pro advertising their bracelets. Notice the extreme amounts of scientific jargon that mean absolutely nothing?

If you were to look at a typical bracelet website, such as  Energy Force,  you would find that they make numerous claims such as

“ENERGY FORCE…regulates your body’s frequency to an ideal level. Optimal health and peak performance occur when your body maintains ionic balance (the exchange between negative and positive charges) and free flowing energy pathways (harmony) at the optimum frequency.”

How does this bracelet maintain balance? Why does ionic balance matter for health? How does it help you stay healthy? Why is it good to have the “optimal frequency”?

In reality, you wouldn’t find any answers to these questions, because these claims are not scientifically proven.

However, there are some much more devious scams that try to trick you in much less obvious ways. They do this by manipulating scientific data in order to make it fit their claims.

Picture made by EQBandz. Source:

Some examples of the claims made by EQbandz

1. “Anti-oxidising: US Dept. of Agriculture found that anions led to 52% less dust in the air and 95% less bacteria“
2. “Emotional: 25 people tested with seasonal affective depression (SAD) found that anion treatment proved to be as effective against SAD as antidepressants without the side effects of these drugs”
3. “Immune system: Norwich Union Insurance Group: Reduced incidence of sickness and headaches by 78% when exposed to 1000 anions per C/C.”
4. “Aging: Dr Nagao Katsharu, Japan found that skin cells were replaced at 2.5 times normal speed with anions by accelerating the delivery of oxygen to the cells and tissues.”

These claims sound like the band is 100% scientifically proven to work! However, if one was to track these down, they would find that  these claims reference studies that were done using gigantic air-ionizer fans, which are much more powerful than a small bracelet. Interestingly a simple Google search reveals that the “doctor” in claim 4 does not seem to even exist. There are much more problems with these claims, and they can be found here.

katatrepsis has this to say:

[The companies are basically saying] “look at all this good stuff air ionisers do, here’s a bracelet that does the same thing” [which] is like saying “look how great scuba equipment is for breathing underwater, here’s a paper bag filled with air”

The conclusions that can be made from research have to be very carefully constructed. By taking legitimate research and formed their own unscientific conclusions, these companies can maliciously miscommunicate the studies to trick potential consumers.

As students in a science communication class, we have a duty to be able to identify these miscommunications and set them straight for the public, as katatrepsis does.

– Tony Hui


Is Texting the Downfall of the English Language?

Text-speak or textisms, you’ve used them. Everyone is guilty of using OMG, LOL, or IDK at least once. And really, how could you even avoid it? Today, using abbreviated words in texting is quick and easy universal slang.  The question is: how is this distinct text speech affecting our everyday language?


In recent years, this question has been asked a lot with mixed results. Some studies have shown that text-speak has a negative effect on literacy skills, lowering grammar scores of middle school students. It was found that students improvised text-speak, which drops vowels, consonants, punctuation, and capitalization, in academic assignments. On the other hand, studies have actually found a positive or no relationship between using text-speak abbreviations and student’s literacy skills. They argue that to fully understand and correctly use text-speak, you need to first have a higher understanding of the language.



Studies also debunk the media fuelled idea of preteens being responsible for creating and using confusing letter and number mash-ups in their daily communication- practically ‘speaking another language’. In actuality, it’s young adults, 18 to 24-year-olds, which are using and developing this language. One linguist adds that in texts, 90% of the words are in proper English, and further argues that abbreviations have limitations in properly conveying ideas. In fact, people will type out “please” and “thank you” three times more than “pls” and “thx”. Moreover, he brings up that textisms really aren’t a new phenomenon, but have been around for dozens of years.


Watch the SourceFed video below and follow their links for more interesting facts!

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In the last decade texting and text-speak has become a major form of communication, specifically for adolescents. The fact that our language is constantly changing overtime also needs to be taken into consideration and accepted. How people spoke in the 1800s is nowhere near how we speak today just like our future generations’ language will evolve as well. Whether texting’s lasting effect will be positive or negative on the English language, conflicting studies say it can go either way.

– Rachel Chang

Video creation tutorials

As you start thinking about your video and podcast projects, I thought I would post a couple tutorials about making videos from the Vimeo Video School. There are a lot more to be found if you follow the link, but here are a couple embedded right here on the blog that I think I particularly important. The first one includes some shooting basics and the second one discusses general video editing.

Video 101: Editing Basics from Vimeo Staff on Vimeo.

Depending on which piece of software you are using for the editing, you can watch a more detailed video about using Microsoft Movie Maker (on a PC) or iMovie (on a Mac).

It seems to be a little more advanced, but Lifehacker also has a series of tutorials about video editing.

Finally, there is also a page on the UBC Wiki about video production that includes tutorials and a whole bunch of links to other resources.

Happy shooting!

Is Genetically-Modified Food Safe?

Genetcially modified foods (GMF) surround our daily lives. The vegetables and fruits at grocery stores, and the meat that  can be bought at a deli are all, at some point, attributed to the enhancement of genetics. What does it mean to be genetically modified? At a molecular level, the genetic make-up of an organism is either altered by insertion or deletion of specific segments of a gene, which results in different phenotypic traits. These traits exhibit better resistance to harsh weather conditions, resilience to insect infestations, and they are easier to grow across all conditions.

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(Explains how genetically modified foods plays a role in society and introduces Monsanto, the biggest biotechnology company in the world.)

So what are some advantages to GMF? The biggest advantages are production cost and efficiency. GMF is cheap to produce and easy to grow. An example of this is corn. Thousands of tons of corn are produced each year, and about 82% of the corn on the market are genetically modified. Other advantages include pest resistance, disease resistance, drought tolerance, and salinity tolerance.

Fig.1 This is an example of what a genetically modified corn can look like. There are different colors located on different beads of corn.

As for disadvantages, there really hasn’t been any real implications or diseases associated with GMF in humans. In Canada, GMF are treated like any other food, and there are no specific laws that push for companies to label their products as genetically-modified. Though there hasn’t been human related health hazard cases, a study done in France on rats showed rats that were fed genetically-modified corn died prematurely, and tumors developed in the liver, kidney, and skin.

Fig.2 Rats that ate genetically-modified corn from Monsanto exhibited tumor growths around the body. These growths eventually lead to the death of the subjects prematurely.

So should consumers like ourselves trust the ongoing development of GMF? As of yet, there hasn’t been any concrete evidence to support that GMF can cause tumor growths, cancer, or any serious health issues in humans; however, there is a correlation between them. Presently, I think it is safe to consume GMF, but with a regulated diet including organic foods. In addition, I believe that  governments should push for stronger regulations and tighter laws that govern the production and distribution of GMF.

-Daniel Liao


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