Tag Archives: MovieMaker

Video creation tutorials

As you start thinking about your video and podcast projects, I thought I would post a couple tutorials about making videos from the Vimeo Video School. There are a lot more to be found if you follow the link, but here are a couple embedded right here on the blog that I think I particularly important. The first one includes some shooting basics and the second one discusses general video editing.

Video 101: Editing Basics from Vimeo Staff on Vimeo.

Depending on which piece of software you are using for the editing, you can watch a more detailed video about using Microsoft Movie Maker (on a PC) or iMovie (on a Mac).

It seems to be a little more advanced, but Lifehacker also has a series of tutorials about video editing.

Finally, there is also a page on the UBC Wiki about video production that includes tutorials and a whole bunch of links to other resources.

Happy shooting!