Category Archives: Biological Sciences

Digital Information Preserved as DNA

Being able to preserve information for generations to come is an important aspect of preserving our culture and society. A new method of storing digital information as DNA molecules is expected to have a longer survival period than the current optical and magnetic storage techniques such as hard drives.

Laptop Hard Drive

A laptop hard disc drive; Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The problem with current storage methods such as hard drives or optical discs such as Blu-Ray Disc is that they are not deemed reliable past 50 years for storing data without data being lost. While our current methods may not have the longevity needed it has been found that DNA fragments have survived intact for over a three-hundred thousand years. This ability of the DNA to be preserved for such long periods might be the answer to our long term storage problem. The catch with this long term preservation of DNA comes with it needing specific environmental conditions, mainly temperature, to remain intact with its data readable.

The research looking into using DNA encapsulated in silica (glass) as a storage system included subjecting DNA that held information to various high temperatures a for a week to simulate the ageing process and the aftermath of the trials found that the information was still readable off the DNA without any errors. The data found suggests that if the DNA was kept at lower temperatures then the DNA could be preserved for very long periods of time, a suggested 2000 years if stored at around 10° C and an impressive 2 million years if stored at a frosty -18° C.

Fortunately the Svalbard Global Seed Vault located in the Arctic has just the facilities for such low temperature preservation.


The Entrance to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault; Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


The Global Seed Vault’s main purpose is as a storage facility to freeze various seed samples from plants around the world to ensure that the world’s crops will be available for the future generations. The facility exists in the arctic where permafrost reigns so that even in the event of a power failure the samples will remain frozen and intact for the future generations.

With the facility of the Global Seed Vault already usable the next step for the storage of information via DNA is to encode some information and to store it for longer trials at the low temperature to see the results. With this research we as humans are closer to being able to preserve our vast collections of information for generations to come.

– Matthew Leupold

How Long Will You Live? A “DNA Clock” May Give You the Answer

Many factors may influence our lifespan, for example whether to diet, exercise or smoke. Some of the relationships are clear; however, some are not. Even with certain connections, the precise lifespan still cannot be told.

Will you be interested in if there is a molecular clock inside you which can predict how longer you will live? Scientists have identified a biological clock that could help predict a person’s lifespan by analyzing DNA methylation, a chemical change in DNA.


Photo credits: Google image

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh, collaborating with scientist in Australia and the US found that certain chemical changes to our DNA which accumulate over time can be used to predict our lifespan. With further study, scientists found that the difference between estimated age and a person’s real age can be used as a “DNA clock” to predict people’s age. In order to calculate an individual’s DNA clock, researchers compared the volunteer’s actual age with the age shown by methylation in their DNA. Based on information collecting in 14 years, scientists reported that those whose biological age was greater that their actual age were likely to die sooner than those whose biological and chronological age were the same.

Photo Credits to Google image

 “At present, it is not clear what lifestyle or genetic factors influence a person’s biological age. We have several follow-up projects planned to investigate this in detail.”

—Dr. Riccardo Marioni, who is a member in the research team

From previous studies, factors like lifestyle and environmental influence may change the degree of DNA methylation.

“This new research increases our understanding of longevity and healthy aging,” lead scientist Professor Ian Deary said in a news release. “It is exciting as it has identified a novel indicator of aging, which improves the prediction of lifespan over and above the contribution factors such as smoking, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.”

In other related study posted on Nov.2014, Russian scientists believe they’re able to extend our lifespans with new miracle drug.

by Xindi Wang

A New Hope For Antibiotics

Your body is constantly under attack from millions of pathogens every day and while most of the time the body’s immune system can take care of the invaders there are instances where outside help is needed. This is where antibiotics become useful. But currently problems are arising with the usage of antibiotics, mostly in the form that many current antibiotics are no longer effective against specific species of invading bacteria, these bacteria are termed antibiotic resistant bacteria. The problem of antibiotic resistant bacteria is one that if left unchecked will grow and might contribute to a mass outbreak of dangerous bacteria.

Antibiotics have become a prominent feature of modern health care and are used to fight and inhibit the growth of bacteria that have invaded your body. When the field of antibiotics was first discovered and expanded upon there was little to no general resistance to the antibiotics commonly used in today’s medical practices.

But resistance has grown as microbial mutations and the misuse of antibiotics has selected for dangerous antibiotic resistant bacteria. Bacteria replicate incredibly quickly and due to their methods of replication their genetic code, DNA, there will be a chance for  mutations, random changes to the new DNA produced, in each new generation of bacteria. These mutations can often give bacteria a way of making certain antibiotics useless against them due to how they can change where the antibiotic interacts to interfere with the bacteria. While normally this chance of mutation is low for each bacteria, due to their fast replication rate mutations can  appear quite frequently and cause problems for antibiotic treatments.

The bacteria grown in the petri dish on the left are susceptible to the different antibiotics in the white pills. The bacteria in the right petri dish are resistant to most of the antibiotics in the pills. Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The bacteria grown in the petri dish on the left are susceptible to the different antibiotics in the white pills. The bacteria in the right petri dish are resistant to most of the antibiotics in the pills; Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

These antibiotic resistant bacteria are very dangerous as it is left up to the immune system to fight them and for people that have weaker immune systems this can be dangerous or even lethal.

Some Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacteria Source: Wikimedia Commons

Bacteria Species Mycobacterium Tuberculosis;  Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

While the outlook might look grim for the future of antibiotics there has been a recent study published that reports on finding a new antibiotic, teixobactin, and new possibilities for culturing microorganisms to find new antibiotics. While the discovery of a new antibiotic is an incredible achievement by itself the scientific implications in their tests against two species of bacteria in which they found no resistance to the new antibiotic is massive. In addition to the current lack of resistance to teixobactin the researchers report that the properties of the new antibiotic suggest that resistance is unlikely to develop against it as it acts on a structure of the bacteria that is highly unlikely to change due to its specific functionality of the bacteria’s life cycle.

Teixobactin was found by examining uncultured bacteria. Uncultured bacteria, which are bacteria that have yet to be grown in a lab, make up most of the population of bacteria on the planet and are a huge potential source for future antibiotics. The study reports on developing new ways to successfully culture these previously uncultured bacteria and this is highly significant as it opens doors to discovering more antibiotics that do not have resistance developed against them yet.

With this discovery the research field of antibiotics might be rejuvenated as new populations of bacteria are now able to be grown due to the new methods of culturing previously uncultured bacteria developed in the study. In the future be on the lookout for teixobactin because it might be the answer to a dangerous bacterial infection that affects you.

– Matthew Leupold

Living LARGE

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “living large”? Well, most of us will think of an individual who is living life to the extreme, maybe spending a ridiculous amount of money or living a very extravagant lifestyle. However, for far too many parents and children in North America, “living large” has a very serious and negative connotation. I am referring to the epidemic of obesity in children in North America. Fortunately, a new study has shown that a program that aims to reduce childhood obesity is working well in the U.S.

The study, “Changes in Body Mass Index Associated With Head Start Participation” focuses on a program funded by the U.S. government for low income households. The Head Start program focuses on health, nutrition, exercise, and early education for the young children. Basically, the program promotes healthy living and provides a well-structured plan to achieve it. The program includes health and nutritional services, such as meal plans, activity outlines, and family counselling.  The study looked at two groups of children, one with a healthy BMI and another who were overweight or obese. The researchers monitored the children’s BMI throughout two academic years. The study led by Dr. Lemung found that children who were obese  and overweight who participated in the program had a significantly healthier BMI by kindergarten than those who were in a primary health care system.


Complications of Obesity Source: Wikimedia Commons

Furthermore, a recent CBS news article published in January 2015 focused on the obesity epidemic amongst children in the United States. The article states that about a quarter of the children from ages two to five are either obese or overweight. Moreover, it states that as children enter adulthood, obesity seems to follow. Unsurprisingly, this trend is noted to lead to future health risks for the children. The health risks include a higher chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and much more.

Healthy Fruits & Vegetables

Nutritional Food Choices, Source: Flickr Commons


Unsurprisingly, young children living large with no plans to improve their health can threaten their future wellbeing. We need to ensure younger generations are able to thrive in the future and not be held back by complications of obesity. Fortunately, programs such as Head Start have shown to prevent and treat obesity at a very young age. In conclusion, more programs and preventative measures for obesity should be implemented around the world. In turn, these type of initiatives will provide a great way to ensure children get a “head start” in living healthy and not LARGE.

Check out the video created by Jessie Deen for more information on childhood obesity and prevention:

YouTube Preview Image

Posted By: Navjit Moore

Thymus: A Lab-Grown Organ

They are in the air we breathe and on the objects we touch. Germs, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites, are all around us. The thymus, an important structure of the immune system, is responsible for the production and storage of a vital cell called the T cell. T cells help to recognize and defend the body from various infections and foreign invaders. In a recent study, led by Professor Clare Blackburn from the Medical Research Council Centre for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, scientists were able to construct a fully functioning thymus in the lab.

This was done by collecting fibroblast cells, which play a role in making collagen and the extracellular matrix for tissues, from the mice embryos. The collected cells were then genetically altering to express a particular gene not normally present in the fibroblast cells.  As a result, these modified fibroblast cells began to function like regular thymus cells. The study had shown that when scientists transplanted the altered cells back into the mice, the cells had organized themselves into a functioning thymus organ

Youtube Video Courtesy of: Medical Research Council

Thymus Image Courtesy of: Google Images

Thymus Image Courtesy of: Wikipedia

This important study will have a major impact on the healthcare field as this opens a potential opportunity for lab grown thymus’ to be transplanted into human patients who suffer from immunodeficiency.  For example, bone marrow transplants patients are more easily at risk of infections due to a decrease in the number of granulocytes, which are a type of white blood cell, and elderly patients as the thymus naturally deteriorates with age.  In addition, patients who are born without a thymus, also known as DiGeorge Syndrome, who suffer from many complications such as low levels of calcium, heart defects and a poor functioning immune system will also benefit from this finding.  Therefore, a lab grown thymus is such a new and exciting finding as it could be the key to protecting these patients from various health concerns and even death.

Although it would be nice to begin using this process  immediately, Blackburn stated that this study had, so far, only been conducted on mice and there are plenty more steps that need to be taken, such as applying this technique to human cells and testing their functions in models, before we can apply this technique on human patients.

Nonetheless, this is an exciting finding as we can hopefully apply this technique in the future to human patients who suffer from weaken immune systems. Not only will this study help patients who suffer from immunodeficiency but this can also reduce the challenges that come with finding a correct match between an organ donor and organ recipient!

– Candace Chang

Part of our Brain comes from a Virus!

We all have heard at some point the word “virus” and associated it with words like death, illness, non-living, etc. But let me tell you that in reality, this is not always the case. Have you ever considered that viruses can help us discover new cures for brain diseases?

Just recently, Johan Jakobsson, head of research team at the division for Molecular Neurogenetics at Lund University (Sweden), and his team have concluded an investigation that has been published in Cell Reports. It explains that we have acquired virus DNA through the course of evolution as a consequence of viruses’ replication cycle.

Viruses are classified into families by the Baltimore classification, in which one of the characteristics is type of replication. Let me explain how viruses incorporate their DNA into ours, but first here is a video that will help you understand the process. At the beginning, Wayne Hodgkinson explains how regular transcription works, but near the end, he mentions that certain types of viruses perform the reverse process. That is the key mechanism that some viruses use: reverse transcription.

Explaining the video in simpler words, reverse transcription consists of taking the original genetic material of the virus (RNA strand) and convert it into a “fake” DNA. I am providing a diagram that reflects reverse transcription.

Reverse Transcription Process           Source: Google images

In addition, I have created a simple diagram that explains how some viruses insert their DNA into ours.

Created by Leslie Almeyda         Uploaded from personal computer

For long time ago scientists have been aware that viral DNA is present in our brain, but the former has been considered not useful to us; therefore, it has not had much importance. However, Jakobsson and his team have shown that viral DNA is capable of determining which and when genes are expressed in our brain cells. This is due to the virus’ DNA being integrated in the part of our DNA that controls expression of the “baby nerve cells,” which –when they have “grown up”- will become specialized nerve cells. As he says in a press release, “we believe that the role of retroviruses can contribute to explaining why brain cells in particular are so dynamic and multifaceted in their function.”

Let’s recall that there are many (lethal) diseases that are related to the brain, and unfortunately some of them are still untreatable. Now with the discovery that part of our brain is affected by viral DNA, scientists can look deeper into our brain cells and link our genes expression to viral DNA insertion. In Jakobsson’s words, “I believe that this can lead to new, exciting studies on the diseases of the brain. Currently, when we look for genetic factors linked to various diseases, we usually look for the genes we are familiar with. […] Now we are opening up the possibility of looking at a much larger part of the genetic material which was previously considered unimportant.”

In conclusion, we have observed that some viruses are indeed helpful to us and might even lead us to newer and more efficient treatments to cure a variety of diseases. Thank you viruses!


-Leslie Almeyda-