Tag Archives: science

From sea to table: a series of unfortunate events

With an abundance of local marine life within arm’s reach, Vancouver has endless seafood options varying from Pajos fish and chips to fresh oysters at the Blue Water Cafe! While enjoying this variety of seafood, have you ever wondered how these fish end up on your dinner plate?

Different fishing gear types are used depending on the size, weight, and location of the fish that is being caught.  Although all gear types impact the ocean to some extent, the degree of impact varies!

Image of Pajos fish and chips at the Steveston wharf. Image: are you gonna eat that

Uncovering the impacts

To learn about the global use of fishing gear types and its associated consequences, we reached out to Tim Cashion a research assistant at The Sea Around Us research initiative at the University of British Columbia.

The Sea Around Us research initiative previously reconstructed global annual catches; however, it did not account for small-scale fishing (fishing for survival) and discarding (unwanted catches thrown back into the ocean). Cashion and his team utilized this prior work as well as analysis of more recent fisheries annual reports to reconstruct a database that accounts for all global marine catches, including: industrial fishing (fishing for profit), small-scale fishing, landings (catches of fish brought back to ports), and discards.

The most common gear types

Bottom trawling – the most destructive but widely used industrial gear type -involves dragging a large net across the ocean floor. The nets are held open by steel poles which detach coral from the ocean floor. This is detrimental to fish because corals serve as essential habitats for spawning and protection from predators.

Conversely, purse seining involves setting a purse-like net into the ocean and pulling it closed to trap schools of fish! This method is less destructive and more effective as it catches up to 99% of the species that the gear is intended to catch.

A video of common fishing gear types used in small-scale and industrial fisheries:

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Video: wonderfulblossoms

Unintentional catch

Although fishing gears are skillfully constructed, they are not perfectly selective! For instance, bottom trawl nets catch every life form that it encounters. Consequently, fish of the wrong species are often caught and thrown back into the ocean in their dying state. If these perfectly good fish entered the market then the price of fish would be cheaper! Who doesn’t like to save money?

Image result for fishing damage

Image of a sea turtle entangled in a net. Image: Doug Helton

Importance of the reconstructed database

The reconstructed database allows fisheries scientists to evaluate the risk of overexploitation of some species. Furthermore, this information will help improve fisheries management and ensure that fish populations do not decline overtime due to fishing practices.

A podcast discussing the major impacts of fishing gear types is linked below.

By: Jack Bae, Sami Ko, Alex Ponomarev, and Jodie Xie

Microplastics: A Pollution Worse than Plastic?

Source: Providence Trade

As detrimental as this photo looks, today’s plastic pollution is unfortunately not limited to these plastic bags and bottles that line the ocean surfaces. Recently, plastic has begun to affect ecosystems and species in ways we did not ever imagine; in the form of microplastics.

What are Microplastics?

Microplastics are small, barely visible pieces of plastic that ultimately enter and pollute our oceans, streams, rivers, soil and air. They can enter our environment from a variety of sources including cosmetics, textiles and industrial settings, or simply from the plastics we pollute each day. According to a recent study done by researchers in Japan, the abundance of microplastics within the world’s oceans has raised growing concerns amongst environmentalists globally due to their detrimental effects on ecosystems and living organisms, including humans. Unfortunately, due to the small size of microplastics, ranging from 5mm to the diameter of a red blood cell, it is difficult to report the exact amount found in our oceans. Researchers estimate that with around 300 million metric tons of plastic produced each year, trillions of degraded plastic bits may be lurking in the environment, largely unseen.

Source: Andrea Thompson via Scientific American

Microplastics in our ecosystem and in our bodies:

Source: Dr. Marcus Eriksen of Gyres Institute

Since microplastics are, as the name suggests, microscopic, they can be ingested by a wide variety of creatures, including plankton (the basis of the marine food chain). Real harm can be done if microplastics in fish and other species move from their gut into the bloodstream and other organs. A study done by Mark Browne shows physical signs of damage, as the particles jabbing and rubbing against organ walls can cause inflammation, while leaching of hazardous chemicals cause liver damage. These hazards can disrupt the immune functions, growth and reproduction of organisms. Even if individual species do not seem to suffer, their ingestion of microplastics can have a ripple effect when they accumulate within a food chain, as another study shows how the fish do not necessarily excrete the microplastics once ingested.

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Not only are these microplastics found in wildlife species, according to a recent study, we actually ingest them everyday. In addition to being present in packaged food and bottled water they are found in tap water and even in the air we breathe, making it virtually impossible to avoid them.

According to Browne’s research, the amount of microplastics in lakes and soils alone could rival the more than 15 trillion tons of particles thought to be floating on the ocean surface. Before we can make any progress on curbing this pollution, we must first understand how much is concentrated in which places, where exactly it is coming from, and how it is moving around.

For more information listen to this interview done by Kate Nielson from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Atmosphere:

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting – A Simpler Way to Eat

Most of us grew-up hearing ” breakfast is the most important meal of the day” but what if that isn’t the case?

Intermittent fasting has gained a great deal of attention in the past years for the benefits in weight loss, overall healthier-eating, and a way to simplify our lifestyles. Popularized by Martin Berkhan, a nutritional consultant from Leangains, the success of intermittent fasting lies in the fact that it is not a diet but a lifestyle change. Intermittent fasting is divided into two stages, fasting and feeding. The most common type of fasting is the 16:8 known as the Leangains method, consisting of a 16 hour fast followed by an eight hour feeding period with no dietary restrictions.

16:8 Intermittent Fasting Pattern Credit: StayWow

Fasting and Our Ancestors

Our ancestors did not have the luxuries we have today, they had to hunt their food and this could lead to not finding anything to eat for hours or days at a time. This is the basis of intermittent fasting, going back to our old roots. By allowing our bodies to function as they are intended to do. Studies have shown, intermittent fasting protects against diabetes, obesity, cancers, heart disease, hypertension, neurodegeneration, and many more benefits.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Credit: Fitness Junction


One of the biggest misconceptions is that our brain can only use glucose for energy, but this could not be further away from the truth. In reality, while in the fasting state, our brains can utilize ketone bodies as a source of energy.

While fasting, brain proteins increase as the stress of fasting causes the body to preserve this very important organ. One of the most important brain proteins is a brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF. This protein works by growing neurons and as a natural antidepressant. In addition, it has been shown to help neurons stay healthier and resist brain diseases like dementia.

A study conducted by Dr. Bredesen consisted of ten patients with early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. The patients started to fast for 12 hours a day and were tested for cognitive improvement or decline. Within 3-6 months, nine out of the ten patients had shown a reversal in cognitive decline. Studies on the cognitive benefits of fasting are booming and more research is being invested to show the benefits of fasting on the brain.

Video of What Intermittent Fasting Does to Your Brain Credit: Gravity Transformation – Fat Loss Experts


As we’ve seen, fasting is great for brain health, but the benefits do not end there. Fasting has been proven to increase levels of human-growth hormone, HGH, which is essential for cellular regeneration and decrease in body fat. It has also been shown to reduce insulin resistance and in this way decreases the chances of type-2 diabetes.

With all of the benefits of fasting, it is no wonder why this new lifestyle is gaining popularity so fast.


Podcast on Intermittent Fasting Credit: The ATP Project on SOUNDCLOUD

Maria-Fernanda Arcila


5 ways to eat eggs bad for your health

Why people need to eat eggs

Eggs are one of the healthiest and the most commonly consumed food in the world. 

They have a high nutritional value because they contain various trace elements and kinds of essential vitamins needed by the human body, such as protein, vitamin D, B vitamins, minerals, and so on. 










Recent news about eating eggs

With the improvement of living conditions, people’s requirements on diet have been gradually improved. In today’s society, people are more and more about their health. As part of a balanced diet, people like to eat eggs to supplement nutrition. However, recent news on newspapers shows eats eggs can cause heart disease because of the high protein. Therefore, whether eating eggs bad or good to human health has caused concern.

  High protein in eggs

The protein required for people is 0.8g per kilogram of body weight. According to the dietary reference intake for protein, we can find:

  1. 56g protein required by the average sedentary man per day
  2. 46g protein required by the average sedentary woman per day

One large egg can provide about 6g protein, which makes up over 10% of the average sedentary man required per day and 12.5% of the average sedentary woman required per day.

To prevent side effects of eating eggs, people should pay attention to the following ways of eating eggs.

1. Eating raw eggs







Some people think that if food is cooked, it would lose its nutritional value. Therefore, many people like to eat raw vegetables and seafood, and they think that raw eggs have a higher nutritional value than cooked eggs.

However, eating raw eggs are more likely to carry bacteria, such as coli into the stomach, which can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and Diarrhea. In addition, the raw egg white contains Avidin, which only can be destroyed by high temperature. The Avidin can affect the absorption of the biotin in food, and cause many unpleasant symptoms, such as inappetence, muscle ache, skin inflammation, eyebrow fell off, and so on.







2. Cooking eggs for a long time







Some people think that more time used to cook eggs, it is better for human health. However, it is also wrong because if the egg is cooked for a long time, the ferrous ions in the yolk would combine with the sulfur ions in the egg white to form the insoluble ferrous sulfide, which is difficult to be absorbed. 

Also, fried eggs would be too old and the edges would be scorched when they are cooked for a long time. The polymer-protein in the egg white can form low molecular amino acid, which could form harmful chemicals to human health under high temperature.


3. Eating too many eggs in a day



















If people eat too many eggs, the metabolites and the burden on the kidneys would increase, which can cause kidney failure symptoms. 

Here are a few effective tips:

For the elderly people, they can eat 1~2 eggs per day.

For the young and middle-aged people who engage in mental work or light manual labor, they can eat 2 eggs per day.

For people who engage in heavy manual labor, they need to consume more nutrition. So they can eat 2~3 eggs per day.

For young children, they can eat 2~3 eggs per day because of their fast metabolism.

For Pregnant women, lying-in women, breastfeeding women, individuals with weak immune systems and the patient that undertakes postoperative convalescence, they can eat 3 ~ 4 eggs per day because they need to get enough protein.

4. Eating eggs with sugar or soy milk








Many people like to cook eggs with sugar, but eggs can react with sugar under high temperature, and produce a substance called Glycolysis, which can destroy the amino acids in eggs. It is important to note that glycolysis has side effects on blood coagulation, which can harm human health. Therefore, people should leave eggs cool down before adding sugar.








In addition, many people like to have an egg, a bread, and a cup of soy milk for breakfast. In fact, the Trypsin in soy can combine with the egg pine protein in the egg white, which can cause nutrient loss and reduce their nutritional value.

5. Eating excess eggs on an empty stomach

If people consume excessive food with high protein, such as milk, soy milk, eggs and meat, the protein would be conversed forcedly into energy consumption, which cannot provide nutrition to people.

What’s more, when human body accumulates excess protein in a short period, the protein decomposition process can produce a variety of harmful substances that can bad for human health, such as urea, ammonia compounds, and so on.

In brief, if people pay attention to ways to eat eggs, eating eggs can help people meet their demand for protein, and it can bring many advantages to human health.

Information Attribute from

Denise Hill(n.d): https://www.lifehack.org/488728/10-foods-to-eat-and-avoid-on-an-empty-stomach-for-better-digestive-health

Estherjane13(Feb23,2017): http://www.thewholesomefork.com/2017/02/23/how-many-eggs-is-it-safe-to-eat-per-day/

Haley Hernandez(Sep 13,2018): https://www.click2houston.com/health/is-eating-eggs-good-or-bad-for-you-

Healthline(July23,2016): https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/eating-raw-eggs#section3

Healthline(Aug26,2016): https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/eating-healthy-eggs

GirlsTalkinSmack(n.d.): http://women.girlstalkinsmack.com/Food/foods-you-should-not-eat-with-eggs.aspx

JayneLeonard(Oct3,2018): https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323251.php    

Zhou LU

Does Not Wearing Glasses Mean Contact Lenses for Life?

“Why don’t you try contact lenses,” my optometrist offered when I told him I hated my glasses. This is a more common situation than not. I hated spending $200 on glasses each time I wanted to change my style, which is already on the lower end of the price range. Similarly, getting contacts would mean spending up to $1200 a year! Thus, are contact lenses the only solution to glasses?


A pair of stylish glasses.                                        Credit: Max Pixel

I am sure you have heard of the term myopia and presbyopia or even astigmatism. These are all different types of refractive errors; a condition where the shape of your eye does not bend light properly. With the introduction of refractive surgery, the eye care scene grew drastically with new methods to correct refractive errors through changing the eye’s structures.

Where to Start?

Like any medical procedure, you will arrive for your initial consultation. Your visit will likely begin with the careful investigation of your medical history and countless tests to assess your eye. Then your doctor will discuss the different procedures you are a candidate for. Two of these are LASIK and PRK.

What is LASIK?

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis or more commonly known as LASIK, is the most well-known refractive surgery technique.  By using a laser, ophthalmologists form a thin flap in the cornea – a transparent dome covering the outermost layer of the eye – making the removal of a specific amount of corneal tissue possible, before refolding the flap into its original position. This alters the eye’s ability to focus light.

The basic steps on the LASIK procedure.   Credit: Andrearchy LASIK


What is PRK?

Do you enjoy sports or just have a very active lifestyle in general? If so, another type of refractive surgery called photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is perfect for you. In contrast to LASIK, where instead of creating a corneal flap that can become dislodged with intense movement, the doctor will remove the corneal epithelial, which will allow a laser to reshape the deeper cornea.

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Am I Free From Corrective Lenses Now?

It would be pointless if your surgery does not improve your eyesight at all. That’s money down the drain! With any of the procedures, most people end up with 20/40 vision or better. Thus, you can leave your fashionable glasses at home!

Snellen chart to help determine visual acuity.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Laser Correction Sounds Exciting, but Scary!

Unfortunately, there are inherent risks and potential side effects. Over time your eyesight will deteriorate and you might one day need glasses again to see properly. As for the immediate side effects of surgery, there is the rare chance of going blind, but in the hands of an expert surgeon the probability is 1 in 5 million. Instead, the possibility of chronic dry eyes is more worrisome. Thus, as you begin your journey remember to save up some money in advance for artificial tears!

By: Jodie Xie



How to reduce premature skin aging?


Looking good is a huge topic for people, especially  for women and skin-aging is a main factor of looking good. To maintain or enhance the external appearance, cosmetics are used frequently. In Canada, there were 3,100 cosmetics and beauty supplies store in 2016. The value of Canada cosmetic market is expected to reach around 15.8 million U.S dollars in 2021. However, have you ever wondered if your skin care products actually work to help your avoid wrinkles and get better skin. The answer for this question is no. Most of your skin care products which advertised themselves as anti-aging products do not help you preventing wrinkles.

Image result for skin care product

Figure 1: Skin Care Product

If you are looking for methods to reduce skin aging, there are only two things that will help anti-aging, which are sunscreen and retinol. For detailed information, check What causes our skin to age?. The video truth about looking good can also provide further information.

Source: BBC


The appearance of wrinkle should mostly blame on the sunlight. Fibrillin, the protein that support the outside of our skin, will get hurt for exposure in sunshine.  The only product can help to prevent aging skin is sunscreen. A good sunscreen should have enough SPF to avoid UVB which may cause skin burning and 5-star rating to prevent UVA which will directly result in skin-aging. Other than choosing a good sunscreen, the most important thing is using sunscreen everyday whatever the whether is and the season is.

Figure 2: Common sunscreens in market

Vitamin A

The sunscreen can only prevent the generation of wrinkles, it can’t remove the existing wrinkles. It’s common known that some anti-aging treatment like botox can help to remove existing wrinkles. However, some of us are not prepared to accept treatment involved needles. If you are one of them, then the only thing can help is retinol. Tretinoin, a prescription-strength product, can markably reduce wrinkles in short term. The strong side effect of tretinoin including redness, irritation and burning feel may discourage consumers to use it. But, if people are willing to fine lines without injection, the only thing left is retinol product, as known as Vitamin A. To avoid maladjustment of strong product, consumers can start with product containing only 0.1% of retinol and increase the content little by little.


As the article claimed, if you are willing use products to anti-aging, the best choice is sunscreen. There is no other product will help, so don’t believe the advertisement. To fine lines and wrinkles, you can choose to professional skin care clinical to accept treatment and ask for tretinoin. Besides, you can try retinol which also works without strong irritation.