A Method to Facilitate Membership Inference Attacks in Deep Learning Models

Zitao Chen and Karthik Pattabiraman, To appear in the Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium (NDSS), 2025. (Acceptance Rate: TBD) [ PDF (Coming soon) | Talk ] (Code)

Abstract: Modern machine learning (ML) ecosystems offer a surging number of ML frameworks and code repositories that can greatly facilitate the development of ML models. Today, even ordinary data holders who are not ML experts can apply off-the-shelf codebase to build high-performance ML models on their data, which are often sensitive in nature (e.g., clinical records).

In this work, we consider a malicious ML provider who supplies model-training code to the data holders, does not have access to the training process, and has only black-box query access to the resulting model. In this setting, we demonstrate a new form of membership inference attacks that is strictly more powerful than prior art. Our attack empowers the adversary to reliably de-identify all the training samples (average >99% attack TPR@0.1% FPR). The compromised models still maintain competitive performance as their uncorrupted counterparts (average <1% accuracy drop). Moreover, we show that the poisoned models can effectively disguise the amplified membership leakage under common membership privacy auditing, which can only be revealed by a set of secret samples known by the adversary. Overall, our study not only points to the worst-case membership privacy leakage, but also unveils a common pitfall underlying existing privacy auditing methods, which calls for future efforts to rethink the current practice of auditing membership privacy in machine learning models.

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