After a highly effective and efficient two-day meeting at UBC March 16th ad 17th, we are moving forward with hiring Science Education Specialists (SESs) to take responsibility for specific courses.
We thank all of the following for making the long trip from Kyrgyzstan to UBC. We met for 2 full days to fine tune project details and to meet as many of the UBC Faculty and SESs as possible. The energy, enthusiasm and organization of this team is infectious!
- Diana Pauna, Dean of Arts and Science, UCA,
- Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt, Director Mountain Societies Research Institute,
- Marc Foggin, Associate Director, Mountain Societies Research Institute, and
- Fayzan Gowan, Manager of Planning and Development, School of Arts and Sciences

As of April 4th 2017, we have very strong interest from existing UBC faculty and staff for roughly half the courses, and possible interest for several others. Once we have commitments for existing people (hopefully by mid-late April) we will advertise for SESs to take responsibility for remaining courses (listed with updated titles on our EES program course list page.