How will courses developed at UBC be “transferred” to the actual UCA instructors? May 23-31, 2018, three UCA instructors visited UBC to interface with developers of the three prerequisite courses that will be taught for the first time in September 2018. This was a busy, but enjoyable opportunity to build collegial relationships between UBC and UCA generally, and to help UCA instructors take ownership of courses they will teach.

Here are the types of activities we engaged in for the week of “training”. A complete itinerary can be seen on a separate page.
- Attend free UBC professional development workshops about teaching and learning (much appreciated). Examples here and here.
- Observe UBC classes at prerequisite level (also much appreciated).
- Summer term means classes are double length compared to normal terms, which is consistent with some UCA scheduling. However, most are “large enrollment” (~150-250 students).
- For senior courses, this will not likely be possible outside of fall or spring terms, since UBC’s summer courses tend to focus on prerequisite capabilities (math, etc.)
- Meet UBC instructors or Science Education Specialists to discuss specific teaching strategies, pedagogies, or subject-specific issues (eg. math, chemistry, etc.) (Well worth while).
- Whole-group meetings to discuss curriculum, etc. Two, possibly three of these are probably adequate.
- One-on-one meetings with instructors and course developers. These are the most important and specific component of ‘training’.
- Private “study time” to review course materials before and after one-on-one discussions. Important to leave appropriate ½ day time slots in the first and second “thirds” of the visit.
- Social opportunities. Important; lunches are relaxed, 2-3 dinners involving the whole team, or at least sub-sets of the team. One evening event at a team-member’s home was also much appreciated.
- Down time: not study time (see above). A slow first 24hrs is recommended after long distance traveling. Two or three ½ days to see some of Vancouver worth while, and contribute to efficient, well-motivated training sessions.