Cheekye debris fan

Location: Alice Lake & Brackendale elevn: 64m. Lat. 49.79298 Long. -123.133

Direct Google URL: This link takes you to a prepared viewpoint.

Hazard type: ls

Short Description: Cheekye river debris flow fan (an eosc114 reading homework)

Long Description: The Cheekye Fan is an alluvial fan, a formation found in mountainous regions where deposits of alluvial sedimentation and material from debris flows and debris floods accrue over time. Natural hazards common to this type of fan include stream floods, deposition of sediment, erosion of new channels, avulsions (a sudden shift in the channel of a stream or river) and debris floods and debris flows. The Cheekeye Fan is divided into 6 hazard zones with associated policy outlined in section 25 of the District of Squamish Official Community Plan.

An example of debris flow hazard, not at Cheekye river but in a valley not far from Cheekey. See .

media1: Report to local council on the mitigation option preferred by engineers (includng a co-author of the article to be read for the landslide homework exercise).

In Depth: Cheekye Fan description with extensive list of pointers to resources and reports about its safety and local plans.

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