Category Archives: Curriculum

Download the Latest Media Study Guides written by UBC Students


Media Study Guides 2 – 12 (2022): Black Lives Matter, Indigeneity, Climate Change, Peace Education, and Sex-uality Education

Table of Contents

Sex-uality Education Media Study Guides: Grades 4-5
Consent for Kids (A. Trainor)

Peace Education Media Study Guides: Grades 8-12
Encanto (Jared Abreu, Elena Munk, & Victoria Yule)

Indigenous and Black Lives Matter Media Study Guides: Grades 8-12
Reservation Dogs (Arlyn Jordan & Zach Howe)
The Hate U Give (Nicholas Albrino, Ashley Haidish, & Nikki Melton)

EcoMedia Study Guides: Grades 8-12
Bee Movie (Cassidy Vandop & Brittney Zacharuk)
Jurassic Park (Ryan Guevara & Paul Towler)

Media Study Guides 4 – 12 (2021): Black Lives Matter, Indigeneity, Covid-19, and Climate Change

Table of Contents

Black Lives Matter Media Study Guides: Grades 8-12
White Privilege (Taya Bremner, Chris Weiss, & Rachel Windhorst)
The Hate U Give (Tanvir Gill, Angela Hadizadeh-Marin, & Salemah Shidian)

Indigenous Media Study Guides: Grades 8-12
“Why Us” by N’we Jinan Artists (Amy Chuang, Amanda Ghag, Alexis Pitches)
Never Alone (Kisima Inŋitchuŋa) (Simran Bassi, Raveena Dhak, & Caitlyn Li)
The Grizzlies (Chris Chambers, Stephen Cobb, & Mitchell Vaale)

Covid-19 Media Study Guides: Grades 8-12
Totally Under Control (Alexis Ewacha & Sarah Merx)
Grey’s Anatomy (Marie Bond, Lindsay Hoegman, & Nico Yu)
Songbird (Brad Deans & Isaiah Groom)

EcoMedia Study Guides: Grades 4-12
Kiss the Ground (Gary Lesperance, Debby Knoke, Ulfah Ma’rifah)
Nausicaa (Jeff Tench, Makayla Kowaliuk, & Luke Clements)
Princess Mononoke (Sam Lin, Justin Neumeyer, & Morgan Peever)
Star Wars Rebels (Devon Kroeger & Lewis McGinn)

Media Study Guides 4 – 12 (2020): Black Lives Matter, Climate Change, and Covid-19
Table of Contents

Black Lives Matter Media Study Guides: Grades 8-12
When They See Us (Vanessa Adebowale, Connor Bliss, & Britt Turner)
The Hate U Give (Caleb Beale, Rajbir Kang, Alicia Martin, & Kirsten Rusko)
Selma (Sonia Huda & Brandon Thicke)
Glory Road (Camille Cruz, Matthew Ng, & Matthew Woo)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Courtney Block & Jacky Tran)
Do The Right Thing (Jon Klyne, Wam Huis in’t Veld, & Tyson Tambellini)

EcoMedia Study Guides: Grades 4-12
Invasion (Christina Anderson & Emily Goltz)
Chile’s Greenest Town? What Finland can Learn from La Pintana (Fabian Santis & Natalia Villalobos)
The Lorax (Fahim Karmali, Darleen Saxer, & Saige Woolley)
Wall-e (Karina Jimenez & Samantha Hussey)
Blue Planet II (Carolina Budzynska & Andrew Wickerson)

Covid-19 Media Study Guides: Grades 8-12
Consumer Influences Through Covid-19 (Guadalupe Isak & Tim Ruchkall)
Contagion (Taylor Richardson & Andrew Senay)
Regular Heroes (Sam Yousefifard)

EcoMedia Study Guides 6 – 12 (2019)
Table of Contents

EcoMedia Study Guides: Grades 4-7
Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (Gabriel Jones, Lilian Marchesoni & Chad West)

EcoMedia Study Guides: Grades 8-12
Before the Flood (Victor Cai, Ken Lindsay, Dayna Mathieson & Sarah Matthews)
Our Rising Oceans (Alex Campbell, Alexis Clift, Jassi Kang & Luke Vanderzalm)
Climate Change PSAs (Janine Dickie, Dan Northgraves, Amaris Odermatt, Sean Ware & Sophia Yang)

Soul (Slow Online and Ubiquitous Learning): Analysis and Regulation of Instructional Time

We just uploaded “Soul (Slow Online and Ubiquitous Learning): Analysis and Regulation of Instructional Time,” which will be presented at the upcoming STEM in education in conference here at UBC.

ABSTRACT: This paper addresses an experimental and innovative pedagogy and philosophy: Slow Online and Ubiquitous Learning (SOUL). Since 2011, the co-authors have implemented SOUL as a pedagogy and philosophy into the online courses they teach at a university level. Pedagogically, SOUL is a pragmatic temporal regulation that limits and paces course commitments for students and instructors. Philosophically, SOUL is an intervention into the conventional wisdom that portrays online learning as a limitless exchange of ideas 24/7. This paper provides a theoretical framework that underwrites SOUL, reviews relevant research on time, and analyzes instructors’ and students’ experiences and self-study data.

Upcoming Workshop: Technology Education for All


The bad news: tech classrooms lack gender diversity.
The good news: we know how to change this!

Join Paula MacDowell for a workshop that emphasizes the importance of collaborating to build a diverse technology-literate society. We will explore strategies for working together to:
* increase non-traditional enrolment
* create non-stigmatizing learning environments
* design inclusive classrooms that meet learners’ needs

1. Why is it important to increase participation of minority groups (i.e., gender, race, class, technical ability, and sexual orientation) in technology education classes and programs?
2. Have you observed or experienced a gendering of school subjects?
3. Who or what gave you the most support in your decision to become a technology education teacher?
4. How do we challenge the persistence of gendered learning myths (or “dinosaur discourses”) in technical education contexts (Paule, 2015)?
5. What can be done to improve the enrolment of diverse students in technology education classes during elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schooling?
6. How might we recruit and retain more females into careers as technology education teachers and professors of technology teacher education?
7. How can you make inclusion possible in your classroom (with respect for human dignity and the environment)?
8. How should we shape the future of technology education for all?

Ashcraft, C., DuBow, W., Eger, E., Blithe, S. & Sevier, B. (2013). Male Advocates and Allies: Promoting Gender Diversity in Technology Workplaces. Boulder, CO: National Center for Women & Information Technology.

Fenwick T (2004) What happens to the girls? Gender, work and learning in Canada’s ‘new economy’, Gender and Education, 16(2), pp. 169-185.

Flowers, J. (1995). Women in technology: Increasing the number of female teachers and students. WEPAN National Conference Proceedings: Women in Engineering ProActive Network, June 4-6, Washington, DC.

Gray, M., & Daugherty, M. (2004). Factors that influence students to enroll in technology education programs. Journal of Technology Education, 15(2), 5-19.

National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science (Donna Milgram)
Online resource and forum for women in technology and trade careers to network with other women technicians and/or employers, including: job listings, e-mentoring, biographies of women role models, and WomenTechTalk an email discussion group.

Paule, M. (2015) Dinosaur discourses: Taking stock of gendered learning myths. Gender and Education, 27(7), 744-758.

Pullman, A. (2015). Emancipation, marketisation, and social protection: The female subject within vocational training policy in Canada, 1960–1990, Gender and Education, 27(7), 759-775.

Ritz, J. M. (2009). A new generation of goals for technology education. Journal of Technology Education, 20(2), 50-64.

Shannon, L. (2016). Want to encourage gender diversity? Choose your words WISEly. Computing Research News, 28(5), 7-9.

Keeping Up with the Media

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Keeping Up with the Media is a media study guide created for teachers and students, by teachers. The authors are all practicing teachers (elementary and secondary) completing a Master of Education in Digital Learning and Curriculum at UBC. This elite team produced this guide to enhance media literacy and media education across the K-12 curriculum.

Authors: #UBCDLC3
Editor: Paula MacDowell
Publication Date: August 4, 2016
Format: Interactive, multi-touch eBook

Facing History Together

Teachers, here’s a powerful opportunity to engage your students in a shared mission of creating a better future with human flourishing for all. Face the Future: A game for social change.

Set in the year 2026, the game imagines the future of empathy and social change. It explores how new technologies may make it possible for us to *literally* feel each others’ feelings as if they were our own. If you are a middle-years or high school teacher, please sign up for more information and please SHARE THIS WITH YOUR NETWORK! The online game will take place November 13–14, 2016.

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As Solnit (2013) shares in in The Faraway Nearby, “to become a maker is to make the world for others, not only the material world but the world of ideas that rules over the material world, the dreams we dream and inhabit together.”

What are you making? What are you sharing? What’s your story?

MAKE: Creativity & Learning in a New Tonality is a collection of creative and intellectual works (artifacts, stories, poetry, photography, ethnodrama, and research) by a team of teachers engaged in the art of making meaning together. We welcome you to join us in our journey, “let us take what we have learned from our courses and from each other and fly on eagles’ wings to (s)p(l)aces beyond our imagination” (Stuart, 2016).

Authors: EDCP 508 Collective
Editor: Paula MacDowell
Publication Date: March 13, 2016
Format: Interactive, multi-touch eBook

Law & Cyberbullying

<> <the power of reddit>

Dr. Alec Couros AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit re: his experiences with the cat fishing scams <I received a call yesterday, but nobody spoke> <info for romance scam victims>


What are the root causes of cyberbullying? How do teens react to cyberbullying? What is the role of social media in fostering youth civic engagement and digital citizenship? What are the challenges as youth develop their identities and social relationships both on and offline? <Amanda Todd>

How should teachers react to videos depicting local teen violence? How can teachers empower their students to deal with bullies constructively? When should parents get involved? What is the role of law (e.g., we can’t criminalize those we should protect)? <CTV Vancouver News, Feb 2, 2016>

Have you ever been bullied in your personal or work life? Where you ever the bully? Do you have any stories to share about cyberbullying in your school?<Academic Bullying & Mobbing>

As Shariff (2015) asks, how do we (educators, parents, policy makers, and the legal community) develop create ways to facilitate the growth of digitally empowered children and young adults? What are your recommendations for the development of safe school environments and anti-oppression education (e.g. teacher education in legal, digital, and media literacy; engage youth in policy development; educate the news media; sensitivity training for law enforcement personnel; updates to existing legislation in the Youth Criminal Justice Act)?

How might we strengthen Canada’s laws against cyberbullying? What are the challenges of the WITS (Walk Away, Ignore, Talk it Out, and Seek Help) program that the Canadian government is promoting to reduce cyberbullying?

According to Canadian Law, can children be deemed child pornographers when sexting non-consensual intimate images? What are the negative long and short-term consequences of criminalizing young people?

What are the public’s rights to open courts and press freedoms? Without the ability to pursue legal actions anonymously, will bullied children feel safe to pursue legal action to protect themselves (without fear of revictimization)?

Dr. Jennifer Fraser <why we must refuse to submit to bullying>
Abuse of Power <Teaching Tolerance>
Are you a responsible digital citizen? <A Bullying Story> <Digizen Game>


Computer coding added to BC’s K-12 curriculum

At the inaugural BC Tech Summit, Christy Clark,the Premier of British Columbia announced that computer coding will be added to the province’s K-12 school curriculum:
Opening Keynote

What are some of the difficult questions concerning BC’s new tech strategy, including: teacher training, backend support, equitable funding for classroom technologies, and the need for government accountability?

What are the complex ethical, technical, and pedagogical issues associated with the development and implementation of BC’s new ADST framework?

How is technology changing the way children think, learn, and focus in school?

How might we increase student voice and choice in the development of new curriculum? For example, consider ISTE (International Society for Technology Education): Student FeedbackStandards for Students (7 Standards; 28 Performance Indicators).

BCIC (British Columbia Innovation Council)

Scratch Coding Curriculum Guide (draft by the Scratch Ed Team)

Computational Thinking (Wing, 2006)

Big ideas on British Columbia’s redesigned curriculum


Bringing classroom learning to life through VR

How might educational VR experiences be designed to create powerful, accessible, and personal learning opportunities in K-12 classrooms?

Introducing Oculus Medium a virtual sculpting tool that allows you to access various sculpting tools and manipulate clay-like material into different sizes, shapes, textures, and colors to magically create anything you can imagine. Users can easily interact/create together and share their creative process with other people in the same virtual environment.

Introducing Microsoft HoloLens where VR technology becomes more personal and can adapt to the ways humans communicate, learn, and create. Holograms can improve the way we do everyday activities, and enable us to do things we’ve never done before. For education, HoloLens can help to make incredible leaps forward in productivity, collaboration, and innovation. See how VR transforms the way Case Western Reserve University teaches anatomy and transforms our understanding of the human body. Watch as 30 high school girls try out the HoloLens device during a Holographic Academy developer education session at DigiGirlz, a Microsoft YouthSpark program that helps girls and young women learn about careers in technology.


Why do makerspaces matter?

Fleming, L. (2015). Worlds of Making: Best Practices for Establishing a Makerspace for Your School. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Contrasts in Educational Stance by Gary S. Stager, of Invent To Learn – Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom

Pop-Up Classroom Makerspaces

“All children deserve opportunities to be the creators of the media and technology that create our world, as well as to take part in changing who controls, owns, and shapes our future” (MacDowell, 2016)

Download Apps:
Google Cardboard
Jakku Spy

Maker Education Activities:
1) Osmo
2) Autodesk 123D
3) Squishy Circuits [activities] [projects]
4) Before I die I want to…[images]
5) Toys from the Trash
6) Google Cardboard VR [DIY headset] [buy it#1] [buy it#2]
7) Makey Makey
