Category Archives: Gaming

Facing History Together

Teachers, here’s a powerful opportunity to engage your students in a shared mission of creating a better future with human flourishing for all. Face the Future: A game for social change.

Set in the year 2026, the game imagines the future of empathy and social change. It explores how new technologies may make it possible for us to *literally* feel each others’ feelings as if they were our own. If you are a middle-years or high school teacher, please sign up for more information and please SHARE THIS WITH YOUR NETWORK! The online game will take place November 13–14, 2016.

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Pop-Up Classroom Makerspaces

“All children deserve opportunities to be the creators of the media and technology that create our world, as well as to take part in changing who controls, owns, and shapes our future” (MacDowell, 2016)

Download Apps:
Google Cardboard
Jakku Spy

Maker Education Activities:
1) Osmo
2) Autodesk 123D
3) Squishy Circuits [activities] [projects]
4) Before I die I want to…[images]
5) Toys from the Trash
6) Google Cardboard VR [DIY headset] [buy it#1] [buy it#2]
7) Makey Makey


Media Advisory – Kids game will help build Canada’s economic future

CALGARY and OTTAWA, Feb. 25, 2013 /CNW/ – An unprecedented interactive online game launching Wednesday will help attract the professional engineers who will fuel Canada’s economy for decades to come.

EnGenious is an online game and career website developed by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) in partnership with Engineers Canada. EnGenious is designed to appeal to junior high-aged students amid mounting evidence of long-term professional engineer shortages across the country.

The game challenges players to conquer ten science-based challenges, developed with professional engineers, to improve the social, health and safety, economic and environmental lot of the EnGenious world. Kids will also learn about the personal benefits of a career in professional engineering.