Australian – Aboriginal Identity Module 2-1

Creative Spirits Module 2-1


This is an Australian website that focuses on Aboriginal Identity:

Who is Aboriginal?

Aboriginal Identity Test

What does it mean to be Aboriginal?

The main page has number of elements that are addressing the myths and stereotyping of Aboriginals.  For example, there is a group of light coloured people with painted black faces.  The intent is to educate people the colour of one’s skin is not what constitutes an Aboriginal person.

“Aboriginal identity is not a black face. Bindi Cole (front) and light-skinned members of her family pose with black faces to challenge the stereotypical notion of what black identity should look like.”

Another powerful visual is a Tourism Australia brochure with a young Aboriginal person with a painted face on the front of it.  This is used to demonstrate how the government itself has perpetuated the stereotypical view of Aboriginal people in order to promote tourism.

The site contains further readings on issues related to Racism in Aboriginal Australia; Australian Aboriginal People; Aboriginal Discrimination to mention a few.

Fact  Did you know that the Aboriginal people of India are called ‘Dalits’?

Site developer claims to use as much Indigenous sources as much as possible out of respect for Aboriginal culture.  I do not know if he is Aboriginal or a wannabee.


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