Module 3 Weblog #5 (A. Davidson)

Aboriginal Ethics Guide Ethical Research

Description & Relevancy

This is a short piece by Marlene Brant Castellano who is involved with an Interagency Panel on Research Ethics. They are currently developing new information that will add to the growing body of literature on the ethics of research with First Nations research subjects and situations. This new perspective and consideration into research ethics includes the perspective that Indigenous traditional values and beliefs add to the overall understanding of ethics. The result is that their work considers ideas such as the following traditional virtues into the ethical guidelines for research:

  • Kindness implies respect for the dignity of the others involved, not dominating or pressing our own agenda at the others’ expense
  • Honesty involves communicating our principles and intentions as the basis for relationship and ensuring free, informed consent for actions taken
  • Sharing recognizes that the common good requires give and take by all, with respect for the different gifts that each party brings
  • Strength is courage to stand firm for our principles; in some cases, strength is resilience, as in the capacity to bend to circumstance while holding on to important values


CIHR guidelines for health research

National Aboriginal Health Organization Journal of Aboriginal Health (article)

October 30, 2009   No Comments

Module 3 Weblog #4 (A. Davidson)

First Nations Voice (On-line News and Media Center)

In Partnership with the Winnipeg Free Press

Description & Relevancy

One of the strong themes that run through the course and this module in particular is the need for First Nations people and communities to tell their own stories. To get an authentic and accurate understanding of issues related to First Nations people research on any level via print, film, print-news, radio broadcasts and other forms of media must be conducted through a First Nations perspective. This news publication was conceived to achieve such a goal and to act as a means to educate First Nations people themselves and the general public from a First Nations Perspective.


October 30, 2009   No Comments