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  • David Vogt 4:47 pm on September 1, 2011
    11 votes

    Tags: ebooks,   

    Now that they are firmly established in the consumer sector, electronic books are beginning to demonstrate capabilities that challenge the very definition of reading. Audiovisual, interactive, and social elements enhance the informational content of books and magazines. Social tools extend the reader’s experience into the larger world, connecting readers with one another and enabling deeper, collaborative explorations of […]

    Continue reading Ebooks Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
    • ashleyross 1:44 pm on September 7, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      For students who have difficulty reading, whether they are dyslexic, have a learning disability or have sight problems, e-books are extremely beneficial. When opened in an e-reader, or in reading software such as Kurzweil (www.kurzweiledu.com) or Word Q (www.goqsoftware.com) the e-book can be manipulated so that the font is larger or smaller, or that the background can be lighter or darker.

    • David William Price 7:48 am on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I prefer e-books. I have saved so much time and money and backache being nearly totally digital. I sued to have a fine library but I packed up all my books and donated them to charity. I try to avoid paper and books at all costs. In my latest class here our textbook was available as a Kindle edition for $9.00!

    • Deb Giesbrecht 6:57 pm on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I have just discovered the wonder of e-books. I love the recipe books that automatically link you to youtube so you can watch the product being made. I also discovered children e-books – where the book will not only read to you, but you can make the three little pigs dance, touch an item on the page and have the the book say the word out loud and spell it, etc. Quite amazing technology in assisting children to read in a fun and interactive environment.

    • murray12 7:30 am on September 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Image the cost of sending a boat load of books to teachers in the 3rd world, then consider the cost of sending a boat load of books contained within a couple light weight eReaders to the 3rd world.

    • Jay 8:19 am on September 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      While I still prefer a good old fashioned hard-cover, the interactive component of e-books engages children and can focus on many areas of learning at once (reading and spelling as suggested by Deb above). They also make the material more accessible to readers who may have trouble seeing smaller print. My concern with technology is that cost is often a barrier and likely one of the reasons I still prefer a good old second hand book.

    • kstooshnov 1:37 pm on September 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I can’t really argue with the money- and space-saving aspects of ebooks, but there is something retrograde with the design of ebooks, with the flipping of pages and bookmark features. The electronic devices can do so much more than print books can, it is a wonder why designers have to linger on these print conventions when they could develop something more useful. It would be like viewing the movie Avatar through a Fisher Price View-Master instead of reinventing the literary medium.

    • Keisha Edwards-Hamilton 10:03 pm on September 11, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      am very happy we have e-books since they are free and far more cheaper that hard copies. These also in some cases have features that makes learning more interesting and engaging. For example, they accommodate many learning needs and styles of learners since many have features to read, making them more interactive.

    • hall 8:47 pm on September 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I have used free ebooks in my physics and mathematics which I would very useful in providing suitable information to my students. I enjoy using ebook because there is software that can allow one to set quizzes directly the books. Ebooks are teacher and student friendly. They minimise the burden of carrying of heavy books around in class and easy access to information.

    • Everton Walker 7:52 pm on September 13, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Easily one of the most significant things to hit the book industry. Now one can walk around with entire libraries without feeling the weight. With ebooks, the possibilities are endless and students are privy with choices on the go. This is a real revolution in the education sector.

  • mcquaid 9:01 pm on November 27, 2011
    6 votes

    Tags: , ebooks, , ,   

    Watch the rePhrase Elevator Pitch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM5vMmMDWek Read the rePhrase Venture Pitch. Leave some constructive feedback. Thanks!            

    Continue reading rePhrase – A3 Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 13: Venture Forum
    • Jim 5:28 pm on November 28, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stephen!

      Very cool elevator pitch and I was struck by the similarity between your product and my product in terms of the underlying rationale. Both of our products assist students who have difficulty making meaning from text. Yours rephrases to a different reading level. Mine automatically adds relevant images.

      Anyway, constructive criticism: Your video could be six seconds longer 🙂 That gives you time to do a 6-second mock-up of what the rephrasing application might look like. That is about the only thing I thought was missing. I thought the part where you spoke was well written, concise, and communicated all you needed to communicate in a very short time. And, VERY cool logo. Makes my logo look like a hack job!

      (BTW – Your venture proposal will be one of the three I will be reviewing in more detail tomorrow. Right now, I am looking at all 10 and making an initial post re: the elevator pitch.)

      • mcquaid 6:42 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Jim, you can probably appreciate how long it took me to make that logo! From start to finish, it was in the “hours” category. I looked for a site that made free logos & had free / stock images. Since a finished logo had to be paid for, I ended up copying my designed logo, complete with grid lines into a photo-editing program, and erasing the grid lines / colouring in pixels by hand! I like what I ended up with, but would also like it to be a bit sharper.

        You’re absolutely right about those lost six seconds… that’s 10% more time I could have used! The final take of me you saw, though, was self-shot-take number 27. I was happy with what I ended up with by then!

    • bcourey 5:22 pm on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stephen,

      I was really impressed with the logo as well for your venture. You are definitely addressing a problem teachers face – finding reading materials that are leveled to the ability of the reader. As a former literacy coach for our schools, I feel your pain. As schools and students purchase more and more e-books, I can see this becoming very useful – but in the meantime, scanning and uploading paper books will be a very time consuming tasks for teachers and parents and I am wondering if they would be willing to do that. Also, you might consider offering some literacy strategies for teachers to help them help students progress in their reading abilities – otherwise they could stay “stuck” at a particular level with little incentive or assistance in improvement. You have a great idea though and you show a lot of insight in your self-reflection!


      • mcquaid 6:44 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi, Brenda. Being “stuck” is a worry of mine, too. I think rePhrase, if it ever really worked, would be but one tool in an LA / resource teacher’s tool box. Starting out, I think it would just work best on newer texts that schools already have in electronic form. If desired enough, scanned copies would also work (and would hopefully be less glitchy than Kurzweil when it comes to fonts, indents, and the like). Thanks for the comments!

    • Allie 5:32 pm on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stephen,
      Your confidence really shines though – giving me confidence in rePhrase – and the name perfectly encapsulates what rePhrase does. I admit that for something as compelling as literacy, I do find your delivery a little… dispassionate? It feels very get-the-job-done-right, but I’m maybe wanting a bit more heart. I think i’ll be giving your VP a good close read, but from the EP, I’m thinking that in an American context the costs of students failing reading levels goes beyond just the costs of their having to re-take a year. Under No Child Left Behind, schools can lose funding if the target % of students don’t pass their levels. I should say, they *are* losing funding, they are being threatened with closure, they are having programs cut, and entire schools have been closed due to underperformance. Unsurprisingly, the schools suffering the effects of NCLB are in poorer areas. This question may be answered in your VP, but i’m wondering about access to this service… In an American context, my understanding is that schools are funded through property taxes, and so that the schools that will best be able to afford rePhrase are richer school districts; will the poorer districts be able to get this service that they need?

      • mcquaid 6:46 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi, Allie. I get the “dispassionate” thing. Maybe a little too Jedi, I was. I think I was trying to project confidence and capability / trustworthiness (so I’m glad that came through), but (as in real life, too), I could probably have used a bit more “oomph” as well.
        To address the “who can use it” comments, I wonder if it could be worked into rePhrase’s pricing /availability plan that schools ID’d as needier / poorer would qualify for discounts or even free licenses…

        Thanks for the thoughts!

    • Keisha Edwards-Hamilton 7:00 pm on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I am intrigued with your venture. As I went through you venture pitch I can see where it would be useful in my school since it could help students with reading problems. I like the fact that it actually make words simpler so that students can understand because many times students do not understand what they read and therefore may get “turned off” from reading. Although the idea encourages reading, I would add more options for rephrasing in an attempt to cater to the different multiple intelligences of learners. For example, probably I would include sounds and animation to hold readers attention to. Great concept!

      • mcquaid 6:49 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi, Keisha… maybe sounds and animations could be downloadable add-ons for the app, creating another source of revenue. Good thinking!

        You’re also right about the “turned off reading” point. I have students of mine in mind when I think of this program. I want them to feel capable, be able to read what everyone else in the class is reading, join in the conversation, and grow in their skills.

    • Juliana 9:29 pm on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stephen,

      You have an interesting idea here. I especially liked how you brought in all of the other educational research into your proposal. I think many times the reason why a venture falls flat is because they forget the basics.

      It also looks like you have done extensive market research on how this program can eventually grow. The fact that you took the time to do that would definitely sway an investor. I have not taught in the K-12 environment, but I can see where your product could be useful. I think I have always taken for granted my level of reading and comprehension and never really thought about the students who are struggling. As a result, I think your venture could provide a little bit of help to students who struggle.

      As with many of these ventures, it could be hard to gauge what people are willing to shell out their hard earned cash for. I do wonder if people would be willing to renew their license on a yearly basis, but that could be just my personal bias. I don’t like software or apps that do ask me to shell out money like that, but I think I am in the minority.


      • mcquaid 6:52 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi, Juliana.
        My reasoning for the yearly license was for a few reasons, I think:

        – a program like Kurzweil is quite expensive (four figures around here). I wanted to price myself WAY below that, and make my product look quite enticing.
        – some classes / schools will need this program more or less over the years as students come and go. This would allow them to get it when they need it and not renew when they don’t.
        – the affordable yearly license would ensure I have a continuing source of revenue instead of a one-time purchase.
        – the program may get tweaked from year to year, so a new download / license would be as up-to-date as possible

        Thanks for the thoughts!

    • jenaca 3:10 am on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stephen,
      I was really impressed with your pitch and the idea you created! You are definitely targeting a current problem that many schools are faced with today- Implementing and finding reading materials that are leveled accordingly to the meet the needs of students. I also think the name rephrase is perfect for your venture.
      Although I think you have a great idea and pitch here, I am a little unsure about the idea of having the teachers scan and upload the paper books. Maybe this is something you could add to your pitch?
      Otherwise, I think you have a great idea!!

      • mcquaid 4:25 am on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        The scanning is something that crossed my mind about my idea as a drawback, as well – I figured I wouldn’t be the only person to think of it (as I see a couple have now). I think, where I saw the progression (whether I said it in my venture pitch exactly or not) was for the use with e-books first (no scanning needed), the use of scanned texts for those who really want them (it’s what we do with Kurzweil), and then… I imagined it as ultimately being something that would work best on a mobile. The user would use their mobile’s camera to see / capture text, and rePhrase would rephrase it for them. Google Goggles can translate… why can’t rePhrase reword?
        Hopefully that alleviates your concerns, my dear investor. 😉

    • jenaca 6:49 am on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      My concerns are alleviated!! 🙂
      I will be

      The Venture:
      rePhrase is the world’s first ever automatic text leveler and enabler of adaptive text. What rePhrase does is take text from a chosen reading level and adapt it (without changing meaning as much as possible) to make it readable for almost any reader. Taking existing school texts and eliminating the need for many differentiated materials makes things easier on teachers, students, and school budgets.

      Additional Information On How it Works:
      • rePhrase determines the reading level of a body of electronic text that someone wants to read
      • Next the reader will alter the difficulty with a sliding scale at the top of the interface
      • Once a new reading level has been established, the program will use the abilities of a thesaurus and grammar check to change the words of a text without changing its overall meaning or hurting its sentence flow
      • As students grow in ability, they can adapt or change the difficulty of the text to suit themselves

      My Thoughts:
      rePhrase is a well thought and developed idea. The elevator pitch includes the essential information to help me further my decision of investing deeper into this idea. The pitch included statistics, facts, was very precise about the idea and showed confidence. rePhrase definitely has a place in the educational market and have the potential to help schools improve their current reading scores. I believe for the future, this service could create their own reading line, which would enhance the status of this product and essentially create more revenue.
      Great Pitch!

      • mcquaid 6:54 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks, Jenaca. I’m glad you’ve been convinced! 😉
        I also like your reading line idea… what a great source of dynamic products and constant revenue!

    • Jim 6:39 pm on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi again Stephen,
      I wanted to delve deeper into your Venture Pitch and provide some feedback in the form of a brief EVA analysis. As a potential investor, I am looking in your venture pitch for a variety of information:

      Entrepreneur confidence:
      You exude confidence and calmness in your on camera appearance. Did that confidence continue into your longer Venture Pitch? I think it did continue because I saw arguments made for this product that are reasonable and interesting. You educational background is an asset but I would want to know who you have heading up the business aspects of the company.

      Good product that will be in demand:
      I think rePhrase is a great idea but the road to develop an app that can accurately and quickly rephrase text AND retain the original meaning will be a challenge. I think a successful app in this case would almost need to border on a kind of artificial intelligence (AI) that hasn’t quite been developed. Synonymous word replacement is straightforward but meaning variability, meaning context, word use variability, word connotation variability, and so on might change the meaning of rephrased text so drastically that the original message would be lost. (See honest about challenges below)

      How big is the potential client base:
      I like your market description and you are absolutely right about its potential. You mentioned several ways that the user base could be increased such as bundling with new tablets or other devices. That is a very good idea if a deal could indeed could be struck!

      Can the product compete successfully on the market:
      You rightfully mention that there is no competition although if I was going to invest in your venture, I might look at some of the AI work being done. There are algorithmic summarizers that do an excellent job with text and the more sophisticated ones might apply some AI algorithms that go beyond mathematical models most often used.

      Are you honest about challenges:
      Your pros and cons section speaks well of this. I think you are enthusiastic and excited but also in tune enough with reality to know the limitations. Obviously, if you were to go further, you would need to look into other patents and any other products that even comes close to your idea, including summarizers. You would also need to look at feasibility. Can an app really rephrase text in the way you describe? That is, an app that can written now (not ten years from now…).

      Investment risk?
      I think there is risk in the investment of this venture because, while the idea is very clear and the demand would be great and the problems solved would be significant, the road to the development of a successful product is not clear by any standard. I think your product, in order to be successful, would depend on yet to be developed AI components because your algorithms would have to somehow get a handle on the meaning of the text. Replacing synonymous simple words for more complex words will not work. My own knowledge of the AI research and history of AI failures over the last 60 years does not make me feel very confident.

      P.S. The point I make in the Investment Risk section above is one I would aim at my own Venture, too. BreakOut Illustrator has no clear path to development because I am not sure the technology exists yet to actually do what I want the programming to do.

      • mcquaid 7:01 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi, Jim.
        I’d like to know more about who would (like to) be in on this venture as well, to steer it into fruition. Anyone? Bueller?
        You’re absolutely right about the technological challenges. One of the strengths of my product is also one of its biggest challenges – its novelty / ground-breaking nature. These technological / AI challenges will definitely be a large hurdle. It’s a risk… but I really do wonder if it would be worth it. If someone (or group) out there thought it was possible (I think it must be, at least partially so, as I envision it), I’d gladly partner up to see it realized. Maybe I should talk to two of my Godparents’ sons… they recently had success on Dragons’ Den with their Honibe products.
        Thanks for your honest comments, Jim. It’s been great working with you and chatting with you throughout this course!

    • schiong 8:57 pm on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I like your rePhrase product.
      As I was going through your Venture Pitch, I was also thinking … “How can this be implemented? ”

      Few things came to my mind … database, theory of automata, and AI.
      I think the application / program is doable. I am tempted to write the code. But, that’s not my role today 🙂

      Now, what I am not certain is how much memory would the program require because it needs to look at how the words are put together … and look for a viable rePhrase without loosing its original meaning. But, this is minor.


      • mcquaid 7:03 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi, Steve.
        I like your can-do / can-be-done attitude! Maybe you should contact me later with your programming hat on instead of your EVA one!
        It’s uplifting to hear that, maybe, the hurdles are surmountable.


    • verenanz 11:20 pm on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I really love your idea. I am in China right now selling online ESL courses to students…and I can obvioulsy see the potential in your product…but I couldn’t “see” your video – I apologize.

      Your marketing and licensing agreement system seems to follow http://www.busuu.com. I would look to them for some ideas…
      Something that I felt that you were missing was how you would sell your product. Marketing overseas is cultually different than western countries – as I am sure you are well aware. Getting local schools to even “consider” different ideas – is extremely difficult. How will you get to that “billion”dollar market?

      That said, I think that you have a great idea and I really hope that it comes to fuition- because we would be interested in working with you….www.GlobalEd.ca


      • mcquaid 7:06 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi, Verena. I have looked at busuu before – earlier in this course, I think. Perhaps I should delve deeper into the site for some ideas. Thanks for the direction and positive comments. If something ever comes of this, I’ll look you up!

    • carmen 10:54 am on December 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Great idea venture indeed, Stephen, and there’s definitely a need for this product. I know that for high schools in Vancouver, there are ESL social and ESL science classes, in which students simply can’t join the regular class because of their limited English comprehension skills. It is not easy to find reading materials with simpler language, and yet, teaches concept at the same level of difficulty that suits these students’ needs. The result is that sometimes students who move into the regular science class might find it difficult to adapt when other students of the same grade have learned the foundations in the previous grades. An app like rePhrase will help these teachers provide reading materials that is closer to the regular class (ex. Science 10) and better prepare these ESL students when they join the regular classes.

      One concern I have is how the program might deal with long sentences with complicated sentence structures. I often work with students who understand all the words, but couldn’t decode the meaning of the sentence when the words are put together.

      Another concern is about learning how to read… sometimes translation programs give us something that’s understandable, but not quite grammatically correct. It might take a while to perfect rePhrase.

      Since I don’t have the technical knowledge, I’m not quite sure if these problems can be solved with existing technology. However, I am convinced that this is a great idea and has a lot of potential!

      • mcquaid 8:00 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi, Carmen.
        Thanks for your encouraging remarks!
        I too, aside from my low-level readers, thought of immigrant students as a great target market – students at grade level mentally, but behind the pack in English. Allowing them to more easily access the content in classes they attend would be a great help to them.

        Long, complex sentences, phrasing (just think of the punctuation issues and possible shifts in meaning), and overall grammar are definitely big concerns of mine, too. I have no idea how to technically attack them… just how I’d like them to work!

        Thanks again for your e-props!

    • themusicwoman 9:20 pm on December 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Wow, Stephen. What a great concept. i especially like the logo. 🙂
      Agree with many of the sentiments already expressed but I have to say I really appreciate your research into this project. As well, I think I spent a lot of time going over your list of pros and cons at the end of your document. Kudos to you for putting it out there. Again. Wow. I appreciate the fact that it is a new product so much of your information is difficult to acquire.

      • mcquaid 8:02 am on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi, Michelle. Thanks for the compliment on the logo – I truly thought having a good one would lend some credibility to my venture. I remember looking at the Evernote pitch and thinking what the logo did for it – it makes it seem more real and memorable.
        Thanks for the rest of the comments, too… hopefully David reads them all before grading me! 😉

  • Alice 5:59 pm on November 13, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: , ebooks, social networks   

    My feeling is that PBAs may be one of the more difficult of the emerging markets for which to develop ventures. I came to this conclusion in reflecting both on David V’s outlining of the crucial difference between products and services, and one of the optional readings which outlined how PBA is fundamentally about performance […]

    Continue reading My feeling is that PBAs may be one of th… Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
  • kstooshnov 9:32 am on October 31, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: ebooks, elementary,   

    Prior to the start of the school year, and this MET course, I attended a workshop in my school district which asked a question similar to the one above, whether the iPad will provide useful educational content for teachers and students, or if it will be used for games and other distractions.  The principal who […]

    Continue reading Educational Tool or Toy? – Week 9 Discussion #2 Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Angela Novoa 12:11 pm on October 31, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for sharing your experience. I think that creating a conscience among students that they are a community, and as a community, they are responsible of the learning process of all its members (in this case by taking care of the iPads) is great.


    • Julie S 7:43 pm on October 31, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I didn’t know about the 12 minute rule – thanks for that!

      Your story about the locked away devices reminds me of a study I did a few years back for BCNet about the educational use of video conferencing across a few Universities engaging in a pilot program. A minority of pilot users kept their video conferencing equipment locked in a closet. There stories were failures where almost everyone else was a huge success. It seems that the difficult access kept everyone on their teams, including themselves, from using the technology. The equipment may be safe but does it matter if it’s not going to get used?

      I’m also interested in the GPS capabilities. I think this is one of the most high potential areas for learning. Getting outside and interactive will be huge fun for the kids.

      There is an article (GPS mobile phones but not Macs – it’s flash based) – Mobile Game Based Learning: Designing a Mobile Locaiton Based Game by Sandra Schadenbauer, that you may be interested in. They describe a game in the framework of Moodle. It’s clear and has conceptual model screen shots.



    • hall 11:25 pm on November 1, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi kstooshnov,

      Your post was very informative. Thank you for sharing your experience which has proved useful in classes with limited resources. Through your post I saw the use of technology can be effective in cooperative groups.

    • Deb Kim 3:05 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you for the tips on the “12 minutes”. It was a very informative post.
      I haven’t used the iPad for formal or informal learning, but have been considering to purchase one for educational purposes (especially for my teaching) since I couldn’t afford to purchase a tabletPC.


  • kstooshnov 9:00 pm on October 16, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: , , ebooks   

    Thank you to everyone for following our discussion and posting many of your thoughts, especially during this busy time with our first assignment due.  The eBook Team has gained a lot of insight into this emerging market, and thanks to you input we will updating the UBC wiki within a week for assignment 2. We […]

    Continue reading Closing the Book Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
  • David Berljawsky 10:26 am on October 15, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: ebooks, Week 6   

    This is a funny topic for me. I am an Education Technology student, an Open Source advocate, been previously employed in IT and computer troubleshooting, I carry an iPhone yet in terms of e-books I am a total Luddite. This is not to say that I don’t like or appreciate e-books. I have read them […]

    Continue reading Ebooks in Education Posted in: Uncategorized
    • Deb Giesbrecht 6:30 am on October 16, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Yes, I think that will be challenging – getting the education institutions ( and some educators) on board with thinking differently about personally owned technology. The other part of that is not everyone ones their own portable devices.

      I had a teacher who taught from the same set of notes for over 20 years.The notes were now yellow (previously white). I cannot imagine him ever wanting to move to another source of ‘technology’.

    • Keisha Edwards-Hamilton 6:08 pm on October 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Thanks for sharing. There are many of us who still prefer tangible books, but we must face the reality that one day very soon, students will start seeing electronic books on their curriculum that must be purchased for class. A major challenge I think would face students is the cost of ereaders. Can students afford to purchase these?

  • Deb Kim 9:59 am on October 15, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: , ebooks, silent reading, social experience, SR   

    We have silent reading time during the second period at my school. During that time, students must read a novel which is not studied in their English class. We don’t allow textbooks, newspaper, magazines, and manga/comics as they could be skimmed rather than read. ALso, it is “reading for pleasure”, so homework or studying would […]

    Continue reading eBooks for SR? Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
  • Alice 4:07 pm on October 14, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: access, ebooks, libraries   

    How apropos – the Westender (a free Vancouver community newspaper) has just published – as their cover story – a piece on the impact of e-books on libraries. They interview a couple of librarians from the Vancouver Public Library, who rightly emphasize that (1) the library has to be wary of the digital divide, which […]

    Continue reading E-books and libraries covered in this week’s Westender Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 06: eBooks
    • Everton Walker 5:33 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Very interesting indeed and a must read when one considers the developing issues surrounding this issue. I also find the beyond books tagline to be appropriate. The ebook concept is really taking reading and access to information to a new level. My biggest concern however is to what extent the older generation will buy into the ebook concept.

  • kstooshnov 11:42 am on October 14, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: ebooks, , Kindle,   

    Thank you for taking part in the poll: Which handheld device would work best in the K-12 classroom? Kindle leads the way, catching 6/15 votes, and discussion on this topic shows that price and ease of use are two of the most attractive features, while on-line tools added to the latest version, Kindle Fire, make […]

    Continue reading Results of eReader poll Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
    • Deb Giesbrecht 6:37 am on October 16, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for the update on the poll. Definitely will help me on my quest for my own eReader!

  • kstooshnov 4:16 pm on October 13, 2011
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    Tags: ebooks,   

    I just discovered this iPad 2 item while working with a colleague today on eBooks for her grade three class.  We started looking a few weeks ago for good stories to read and be read by her class, and I immediately thought of this modern classic by Crockett Johnson.  I still have vivid childhood memories of […]

    Continue reading omg – Harold & the Purple Crayon app!! Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
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