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  • Jay 9:42 am on November 4, 2011
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    Tags: iPad Apps, ipad ownership, ipad survey results, ipad uses   

    We would like thank everyone for completing the survey. It is still open if there is anyone who has not completed it yet and would like to do so. Limitations of the basic plan do not allow for any chart creation or to actually share the link to the results page since it would require […]

    Continue reading Survey Results Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Jim 12:22 pm on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I think your survey, among other things, tells us that we are still experiencing the very beginning stages of the tablet paradigm. Just like the war between Beta and VHS, Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD, I think that the major players are still battling it out. I think that it will shake down to two major devices, on the iOS based iPad, and the other, probably the Android device. Although, after all the lawsuits are done, Android devices might be severely crippled.

    • Jay 3:50 pm on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks jim. Perhaps a question around tablet usage in general would have been beneficial in seeing what others are using instead of the iPad.

    • ifeoma 8:13 pm on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jay/Jim,
      I agree with you that the survey results may represent the early stages of adoption for the Ipad and that asking what other tablet or mobile device responders use may have helped to give an idea of what kind of device may be prevalent. I must say that I was surprised to see that in a class of people who make up decision makers and influencers in the education arena, a high percentage “never” use the Ipad for all the purposes listed. I wonder how this reflects on thoughts about Ipad being a “game changer” in education- all buzz or fact? Having said that, I would like to mention here that I like the Ipad but really feel that it is expensive especially as I have a cell phone already. My thoughts have been on whether to go for Ipad or Iphone so I will only have to carry one device that does the same things.

  • ccheung 10:30 pm on November 2, 2011
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    Tags: iPad Apps   

    Discussion #2: Accessibility to Education   For some, the iPad might be a luxury tool, but for others, it could be essential. I was watching a documentary about Steve Jobs the other day, and saw how iPad apps have helped learners with autism. The mom almost broke into tears of joy as she explained how […]

    Continue reading Discussion #2: Accessibility to Educatio… Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Everton Walker 2:22 am on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Great to hear about the success stories. You mentioned portability which is key to new technologies. Manufacturers are realizing that people are always on the go and need to do important things while doing so. I recently gave up my stationary modem for a portable one and it makes life so much easier. I think price is a major factor too and even durability and children using it as a tool. I think some special ones should be made for education purposes.


    • Angela Novoa 11:48 am on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Carmen and Everton,

      thanks for sharing your thoughts and providing different ways in which iPads can be useful. Portability indeed is one of its major benefits. I think that new technologies are advancing so fast that maybe the new versions of iPads (or other tablets) will be everyday smaller until they become the same as the current smart phones, but with better capabilities. Thoughts?


    • Kristopher 12:37 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi all,

      Carmen, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the potential for this market. It’s always easiest to think how we could use the technology ourselves (often an enhancer of our lives), but then to consider the same technology as a tool (such as a voice) for someone is a completely different way to conceptualize it.

      Angela, I think that Apple did just that with the iPhone (a super powerful handheld machine), but eventually realized that our bodies (eye sight and input devices i.e. fingers) couldn’t use that much smaller a device and still be effective. I think that the machines won’t get smaller, but they will become increasingly power until just about the point of bursting legs:)


      • Angela Novoa 6:58 am on November 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Kristopher,
        If it will be as you think, I will be really happy. I think that it is because my small mobile device that now I have to use glasses 🙂


    • carmen 12:52 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Everton, Angela and Kristopher,

      Thanks for your comments. I’m sure Apple and other tablets will improve in portability in the future. I agree with Kristopher that it probably shouldn’t get any smaller… but it’d be nice if we can roll up our screen and bring it everywhere we go…! It’s going to be a wise magic scroll that we can have conversation with! (Sorry, imagination running wild here.)

      I do feel that the device will continue to improve. With more advanced tools, we will continue to think of new ways of solving problems to fill a need. However, sometimes I feel that I tend to “take things as it is” and miss the “pain point” which could be turned into a market niche. Maybe it takes practice. 🙂


  • bcourey 6:27 am on November 2, 2011
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    Tags: iPad Apps   

    Thank you for including the article in your wiki that discusses the game-changing ability of iPads.  I agree that this is a cool tool that students will enjoy and engagement will likely follow…but I noted 2 comments that tell me that the iPad, as it stands now, will not be as globally accepted as hoped: […]

    Continue reading Game Changer? Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Jay 8:37 am on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks Brenda. The two comments you have highlighted that the iPad as an educational technology device does not fill a need or aim to solve a problem since it cannot replace other “computing or communication devices”. While it offers features and applications that other devices may not, the cost of supplementing computing devices instead of replacing them is too high to be considered a good investment for some.

      What features would Apple have to include in their next model for you, as an administrator, to consider its purchase and see it as a device more able to meet the needs in schools?

    • jenaca 4:06 am on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Brenda,
      I am very curious about the second question you posted here.
      “At what point do we have too many devices and choose to buy the one device that combines the features of two? “
      I think that because there are so many different kinds of technologies available, we are all becoming unsure of which “new” device to buy. Right when we think we’ve decided to purchase something, a new and upgraded version comes out on the market.

      • jenaca 10:27 am on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. ~Albert Einstein

      • andrea 11:21 am on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        This is an interesting point, because we want to have devices that do things *well* but we also don’t want to have 10 devices each with only a specialized purpose. For example I’ve heard that the Kindle app on the iPad isn’t as good as Kindle itself, and while the camera in my iPhone is really good it’s not quite as good as my other camera. I wouldn’t trade my iPhone for anything, but it would be nice if the screen was a bit better for reading… You know how it goes!

  • kstooshnov 4:16 pm on October 13, 2011
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    Tags: , iPad Apps   

    I just discovered this iPad 2 item while working with a colleague today on eBooks for her grade three class.  We started looking a few weeks ago for good stories to read and be read by her class, and I immediately thought of this modern classic by Crockett Johnson.  I still have vivid childhood memories of […]

    Continue reading omg – Harold & the Purple Crayon app!! Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
  • Julie S 10:52 pm on October 11, 2011
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    Tags: , iPad Apps   

    I’ve done my own informal investigation of the e-book market over the past few months ever since I bought my iPad last year and prior to enrolling in the MET program. I actually bought the iPad so that I could take all of my MET PDFs and scanned portions of hard copy texts to do […]

    Continue reading Confessions of a self-professed gadget girl Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 06: eBooks
  • David Vogt 9:45 pm on September 1, 2011
    14 votes

    Tags: , iPad Apps   

    Applications designed for the iPad offer interactive content that takes advantage of touch-screen navigation. The iPad combines robust computational functionality with a screen large enough to serve as a legitimate replacement for printed textbooks and other course materials. Where the iPad applications have led, other tablets and their attendant applications can be expected to follow, […]

    Continue reading iPad Apps Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
    • Kristopher 8:15 am on September 6, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I find the iPad particularly interesting as it defined its own niche. In terms of mobile computing and meaningful learning, I believe this is an excellent avenue for engagement.

    • David William Price 7:22 am on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I like the iPad far more than I expected. The accelerometer, the location-based Google maps, the touch interface all provide a different feel for me when using a “computer”. I’ve been using my iPad to try to push myself to be more visual and tactile than I am with a PC with a keyboard.

    • Angela Novoa 1:08 pm on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      iPads are becoming more attractive to students. But I am thinking specially on students of Higher Education (considering that students of k-12 institutions might not have access to this technologies, at least here in Chile). The intuitive character of MAC softwares and Apps can provide huge opportunities for teaching and learning, for collaborative work and sharing knowledge.

    • Deb Giesbrecht 6:51 pm on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      At one of our tertiary hospitals, we trialed an ipad for Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) where the physician enters patient orders at the bedside using their own ipad. Research suggests that ‘immediate’ information provides better patient care – ie: going to the desk and logging into the computer and being interrupted often allows for errors or omissions to occur. This trial has been quite successful.

      We are also looking at ipod touches to be used at point-of-care: that is, each nurse would carry an ipod touch, scan the barcode on the medication, scan their id tag and the patient’s id bracelet, ensuring the right medication goes to the right patient at the right time. The time and date of the administration is automatically documented, along with the nurse’s name/identification, thus improving documentation and administration and reducing errors.

      Great technology in the advancement of health care.

    • Jay 9:20 am on September 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      ipads have their place and while I am not convinced this is in the ‘classroom’ itself it definitly has potential in other areas such as health care, as Deb suggested.

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