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  • Alice 5:59 pm on November 13, 2011
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    Tags: assessment, , social networks   

    My feeling is that PBAs may be one of the more difficult of the emerging markets for which to develop ventures. I came to this conclusion in reflecting both on David V’s outlining of the crucial difference between products and services, and one of the optional readings which outlined how PBA is fundamentally about performance […]

    Continue reading My feeling is that PBAs may be one of th… Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
  • Tamara Wong 10:52 am on November 13, 2011
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    Tags: assessment   

    I apologize as here I am on the last day of the week with my one post again! Work and life just seems to be getting in the way.  Activity #1. I  enjoyed many of the PBAs in MET and feel that I’ve learned a great deal more than I would have had I written […]

    Continue reading PBAs Activity 1 & Final Post Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
    • schiong 11:49 am on November 13, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I also like concept map.
      Unfortunately, there are times I feel that it is “subjective” (.. I am sure there is a more appropriate word (than “subjective”) to describe… )
      What if the student sees relationship between node A and B , and we (teacher) didn’t (and vice-versa)?

      I do not use any specific PBA tools in my class. I have tried blog in the past. Unfortunately, I discovered that some students would just ask their friends to do it. The discovery was by accident. We have a Lab room open to any students. We have a Lab technician who handles the hardware. On that day, he was very busy. So, I decided to give him some assistance in the Lab room. When I enter the Lab room to fix the printer connection, it was then I discovered that some of my students are asking someone else to do their blog.

  • kstooshnov 9:52 pm on November 12, 2011
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    Tags: , assessment,   

    Whoosh, the week flew by, and I barely got around to posting my initial thoughts of the topic of Product-Based Assessment, and now I need to post my final thoughts.  This post will be a mixture of my conflicted thoughts on assessment in general, as well as which already-existing learning technologies do an adequate job […]

    Continue reading My First (and Final??) PBA Post Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
    • Doug Smith 9:31 am on November 13, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Interesting thoughts there Kyle. In some ways, PBA is “assessment that just happens.” By using the right tool at the right time, a student’s work is their learning and is their assessment. I suppose that sounds a bit glib, but there is truth to it. I don’t think we will ever get away from the assessment part of the product, it is our formative feedback that makes the whole thing work.


  • Deb Kim 8:35 pm on November 11, 2011
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    Tags: assessment, , , , , , Glogster, , , rubric, ,   

    Take a moment to write your final post about which PBA future emerging market tool (product or service) you have used and which one you would like to see more of.   As some of the coursemates have mentioned in their posts, I would also like to see more of blogging. Blogging is the area that […]

    Continue reading Final Post: Blogging and Cloud Computing are Ways to Go Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
    • verenanz 7:45 am on November 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hello Deb,

      I agree that next steps could be developing rubrics and assessment for PBA assessment tools. Creating a Web 2.0 tool that offers examples. That would be an interesting business opportunity….

    • Everton Walker 9:43 pm on November 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Deb & Ver

      Very interesting take on the issue. The rubric would certainly add some form of standard even the aim is not to standardized these assessment. The aim is to keep them as informal and authentic as possible.


    • jenaca 4:29 am on November 13, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Deb,
      I also agree that blogging should be used more frequently in classrooms for students to use. I think it’s a wonderful way for student’s to be creative and express their thoughts and learned knowledge.

  • Deb Kim 12:06 pm on November 11, 2011
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    Tags: assessment, MET, ,   

    Before I participate in Activity #1,  I’d like to compliment the Week 10 group for your awsome work! I especially like the SWOT Analysis. Moreover, PBA is a great topic to discuss as assessment is the area that my colleagues at my school are paying a lot of attention to this year. As there is […]

    Continue reading [ACTIVITY #1] My PBA Experience Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
    • andrea 7:39 pm on November 11, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Deb,
      First, thanks for the compliment! 🙂 I agree that assessment is difficult — for me, it’s probably also the most challenging area. As a MET student I’ve also learned so much about authentic assessment just through experiencing the value of it. We learn how to *do* school very early, and PBA-style assignments can push us to do new things and think more creatively because we have to. Did you find any adjustment to the PBA activities popular in MET, or did you immediately feel comfortable with it?

      • Deb Kim 11:10 pm on November 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Andrea,
        I wasn’t familiar with the PBA activities in MET at first, but I soon became comfortable with it.
        You just need some time to get used to it. This requires time and effort as well. Once you get used to it, everything becomes pretty much a piece of cake. 🙂


  • jarvise 10:46 am on November 10, 2011
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    Tags: assessment, , teamwork   

    I remember when I first started MET, it was my first exposure to a Masters program, and to this style of learning. I remember waiting for a prof to intervene in our discussions when we were trying to figure out how to do something, and the intervention never coming. I remember feeling frustrated. What does […]

    Continue reading The MET PBL immersion Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
    • Doug Smith 7:19 pm on November 10, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Emily, thanks for the reflection and for pointing out both strengths and weaknesses of PBA. Like you, I think PBA has some significant up front costs that we have to keep in mind while implementing. I think the processes that you mention (planning, scaffolding and modeling) are worthwhile endeavours for designing a curriculum object and can be rationalized. However, the resource cost has to be given critical analysis to make sure that it works for all the stakeholders. Overall, it sounds like your thoughts point to a need (or possibility) for professional develop based around PBA. Have you ever been offered or thought about PBA pro-d opportunities?


    • Everton Walker 10:08 am on November 11, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I too can attest to those frustrating feeling and one professor even got irritated when I asked a few questions. It took me a while to adjust as this was totally foreign to me. However, with time I gradually started to learn about this new platform for learning and the reasons behind the professors’ absence from the foreground. My outlook on teaching and learning has changed since and I am on the verge of totally adopting this method even though I have been using aspects of it already.


    • hall 4:51 pm on November 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Emily

      When I read your post, I quickly remembered the start of this MET journey. It was rocky one for me being not exposed to this style of learning and learning environment. It took me a month to adjust to this modality of teaching without a visible lecturer. I must admit that this way of teaching is an effectively way for students to master a particular discipline. I have certainly learnt at a lot from this degree program; I do not have to constantly refreshing my knowledge of concepts I learnt in the various course I completed in this program.

    • mcquaid 4:30 pm on November 13, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I hear you, Emily. I think I sometimes excel at creative tasks, but I really desire knowing my exact boundaries. Also, when I have a question, I want an answer from the instructor… pronto! A clear answer, too – nothing vague that forces me to find my own meaning. I have most likely been trained to please by the education system and two teacher parents.

      I have shared many of your same frustrations in this program, as well as many of the same highlights. Yours is an excellent point that resonated with me – it’s like the rhyme about the little girl who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. I would post a link, but that would be too easy for us, wouldn’t it?

  • bcourey 5:07 pm on November 7, 2011
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    Tags: assessment, products   

    This looks like a very interesting topic!  I am quite passionate about the topic of assessment, as I am experiencing first-hand, the difference in product-based assessment vs traditional assessment formats in our MET program.  As I am completing the courses and creating a variety of products, my colleagues in other Masters programs are cramming for […]

    Continue reading My MET Assessment Experience Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
    • Doug Smith 6:32 pm on November 7, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for the post Brenda. I think you hit on some key terms there, when you talk about authenticity, engaging and challenging. As I was coming home from work today, I was reflecting upon some marking I had just completed. I decied to assess a unit in junior science (chemistry) by using a concept map, as opposed to making the students memorize parts of the periodic table. So I feel your pain with regurgitation and hope that we can continue to discover and explore different aspects of product based assessment, and what it means for our ability to offer this to the EVM.


    • Kristopher 5:51 am on November 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Brenda,

      While reading your post, the word balance was becoming more and more bold in my mind, and low and behold as I continued you came to triangulation. Triangulation is a great was to describe the relationship that different types of learning/assessment must build in a learning environment. I have found that the MET program has had a decent combination of product-based assignments (like this course’s assignment 2), as well a huge value placed on contributions to discussion, and finally an essay or two along the way.

      Thanks for the thoughts,


    • verenanz 12:11 pm on November 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Brenda,
      I appreciated your links to Bloom’s Taxonomy. Many times PB learning is criticized for not offering “real” learning outcomes. Like you, I enjoy creating project as part of my learning. You mentioned authentic learning, and I think that is such a KEY piece of PBA. Have you checked out the video about PBA using mobiles and authentic learning


      I got it from nic peachy’s tech portal….:)

      Thank you for your great IPad App site as well! http://appitic.com/ It is phenomenal and it provides some great examples of how to integrate Apps into any class, project or product…..


      • kstooshnov 9:22 pm on November 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Brenda,

        Thank for mentioning Bloom in your post, and the movement from remembering (or regurgitating) to higher levels of evaluating and creating. I just saw an excellent TED talk, from last year (so it is probably old hat by now), with Sugata Mitra explaining child-driven education where most of the time, he would set up an impossible task for children, not give full instructions, and walk away. In a couple of months, he’d return to find the children had nearly mastered the task set out for them, and continued to seek more challenging work. It seems like they are knocking out the bottom base of Bloom’s Taxomony, and finding ways of applying knowledge on their own. While it seems to be a success story for product-based learning, I find it a bit worrisome that students are less curious about the what’s and how’s, even if they are capable of thinking at the why and why not level.


  • Kristopher 6:03 am on November 7, 2011
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    Tags: assessment, evaluation, outcomes, performance, product   

    Welcome to a daring week of product based assessment, intended to whet your appetite about the potentially rewarding world of PBA and define the market as it emerges.Visit The Plan for more information on how we anticipate the week playing out. Cheers, Andrea, Doug, Kristopher, and Verena

    Continue reading Product Based Assessment coming down the tracks! Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
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