For my founders profile,  I have selecte…

For my founders profile,  I have selected Bryan Falcon, CEO & co-founder of Haiku Learning Systems.

Since 2006, Haiku Learning Systems has been providing an online learning management system (LMS) for K-12 educators, which aims to provide the “The simplest way to bring the web to your classroom… and your classroom to the web”.  I have personally used the Haiku LMS for my 9-12 classes for several years and based upon my experience, I feel their service delivers on its claims that a “LMS should be easy to use, easy on the eyes, and easy on the budget”.  Haiku Learning Systems believes in harmony, simplicity and community.  As such, they have worked closely with educators to create a service which enhances the teaching-learning experience, is uncomplicated, very easy to use and affordable.  Based upon a “freemium” model, the service is free for basic users, while more sophisticated users pay for the service.  The company was profitable within its first five years, has received funding from angel investors in the past and is considering another round of funding in the near future.

At first read, Bryan Falcon’s academic background in theatre and directing, does not immediately suggest that he was destined to become an edtech entrepreneur and CEO.  However, based upon the biographical information posted on the companies website, I feel his personal experiences and beliefs about education, have strongly contributed to his companies success.  His combined interests in visual storytelling, liberal and creative arts, technology and education, have helped him to develop a focused and unique solution to the “pain point” of making it easier for teachers to deliver a feature rich, but simple to use online teaching experience.  It is also clear that while Bryan’s passion has proved the creative spark which ignited his venture, he has been very wise to assemble a 14 member team of individuals which provide the required strategic business, marketing, sales and technical skills necessary to deliver a high quality service, which customers find worth paying for and investors have responded to positively.  When asked in an interview what his biggest challenges as an entrepreneur are, Bryan responded with “Selecting the best course of action among a multitude of possibilities when faced with an infinite number of choices in a fast-moving field. We have made strong predictions so far and are well-positioned to thrive and grow”.

In short, I can summarize that as a venturist Bryan is creative, passionate about education, able to listen and respond to his customers needs and he has carefully built a team of highly skilled individuals to support him in each aspect of his business.


Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp