Help – Uploading a Video
I tried uploading a video to this post using the instructions given in 4.1 Venture Forum Resources and I am having trouble. The instructions state to use the upload video icon from the menu, however I can’t see this specific icon.
I tried to use the general Upload/Insert feature (the only option) but that only allows for small files up to 9MB.
David or anybody else, can you help.
Posted in: General
jkotler 3:01 am on November 25, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Doug,
I am having the same problem! Hopefully we will have an answer soon.
melissaayers 5:17 am on November 25, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Doug, Julie
One alternative could be to upload it to YouTube and then embed this in the post instead.
joeltremblay 7:17 am on November 25, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hey Doug and Julie,
I uploaded to Vimeo, (similar to youtube), and then posted the links. You can choose to embed them if you wish, but it’s up to you. Hope this helps.
Doug Connery 9:52 am on November 25, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks, I went with the You Tube option.