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  • teacherben 11:59 pm on October 13, 2012
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    Tags: cloud, , webmail   

    The Supreme Court of South Carolina recently ruled that webmail cannot be classified as online storage and are therefore not covered by the  Stored Communications Act of 1986.  The case involved a woman who hacked into her husband’s online email accounts to see if he was being unfaithful.  This may have some interesting repercussions regarding the cloud […]

    Continue reading interesting case regarding ‘Stored Communications Act’ Posted in: Week 06:
  • kstackhouse 10:26 am on October 13, 2012
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    Tags: cloud, OER,   

    I think that Education’s adoption of cloud based services is inevitable.  As mentioned in this week’s OER: they reduce the cost for schools, IT departments, and users.  The concern that many people will continue to have is in the protection and privacy of the individual users and the intellectual property created and stored.  Once people […]

    Continue reading Week 6, Activity #9 Posted in: Week 06:
    • Peggy Lawson 7:21 pm on October 13, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Group 6 did a great job for me of distinguishing between the 3 major categories of Cloud Computing – SaaS. IaaS, and PaaS (http://cloudlearning.weebly.com/what-is-cloud-learning.html). In my own school division, I’ve seen increasing use of Saas, but I know that many school divisions have really moved towards that direction, using Google Apps, Microsoft services, or other cloud tools as critical players – for example for providing all students and sometimes staff with email and other essential services. I can see this becoming more prevalent. While I’ve personally heard of few divisions using the cloud for infrastructure or platform, and my own job is on the instructional, not infrastructure side of technology, I can certainly see huge economical benefits for doing so, under the right conditions. One obstacle, I think, will be that getting over that reluctance of giving up local control (not withstanding the security and other cautions listed by Team 6).


    • C. Ranson 6:19 am on October 14, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      After reading this weeks posted information and articles it appears that “the future
      is cloudy”.

      This weeks group provided an excellent summary of cloud technology and identified the fundamental components to a better understand how it is integrated into the complex world of technology and the current issues related to this new market. There appears to be both advantages and disadvantages of cloud-computing. The benefits are cost and efficiency, being closely intertwined. For an organization the capital costs can be reduced with the implementation of cloud technology through buying virtual server time and storage space, IT departments transition into an operational role and the physical space and expense of housing servers no longer exists. For students cloud-computing increases accessibility, adds mobility, improves availability and integrity of software applications, research materials and storage capacity. For faculty it provides accessibility to virtual space for delivery of educational curriculum, customization of individual courses and provides department and campus unity. For administration it will provide standardization of resources and data management, reduced costs, reduce the need for IT staff, and supports greater virtualization. Of course, there are liabilities with the cloud market and its development being in the early stages. Lack of definitive standards, the concern of lock-in of data, confidentiality of data, where cloud servers reside and regulations, licensing and cost models. The implementation of could-computing in the near future will be linked to organizational decision-makers and the organization’s level of technology awareness.


  • teacherben 5:43 pm on October 10, 2012
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    Tags: cloud   

    Here’s a great infographic with some revealing statistics regarding cloud services and usage. http://mashable.com/2012/10/09/infographic-cloud/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29 And a funny cartoon here: http://ca.com/cloudviews

    Continue reading Week 6: Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Cloud Posted in: Week 06:
    • visramn 8:36 am on October 11, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for sharing. Very interesting vantage point. It is interesting to know that the technology may be present but we may not be ready for it. Things are not always what they seem.


    • jenbarker 6:57 pm on October 11, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Yes, thank you Ben. I also think that people are scared away from unknown terms such as “the cloud”. I believe that many people use platforms such as facebook, without even realizing that they are using the cloud. Once terms are unpacked and explained, people usually are more open to change.

      • Peggy Lawson 7:04 pm on October 11, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        I fully agree Jen. I don’t think we realize how much we all use the cloud, and how difficult it would be if it were suddenly there no longer. I think the future trend will be more as Iaas and PaaS (and of course continued Saas – Software as Service). From my own school division perspective – we are getting teachers, school administrators, and division personnel quite comfortable now with Saas; the other two will require additional changes in thinking. I had not quite realized the distinctions before your presentations this week, but I am now definitely seeing the separations. And they are important distinctions. You’ve given me much food for thought this week.


        • Kent Jamieson 10:21 pm on October 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

          i was just thinking the other day…”what if google was gone?”

    • manny 7:12 pm on October 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for sharing that infographic Ben. It seems as though the Cloud entails so much secrecy and unknowingness about its inner workings that people don’t know what to believe. It also has intrinsic properties built into it in that if you lose your information on a specific device and have it backed up to the cloud, you can easily restore it. My only concern with cloud technologies is how safe they are to hackers. One would think that the hacker community would be all over this and would love nothing more than bragging rights to bringing down the cloud. In terms of actual sustainability, it seems pretty reliable. Then again, only time can tell whether this will be the case.

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