The Institute for Critical Education Studies (ICES) was formally established in October 2010 to conduct and support cultural, educational, or social research within a critical education or critical pedagogy tradition. The ICES network consists of two flagship journals (Critical Education and Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor), two primary blogs (ICES blog and Workplace blog) and an array of other social media. Most recently, ICES co-Directors actively informed the BC teachers’ labour dispute through intellectual advocacy extending from tweets, blog posts and editorials to interviews and a petition to the BC Premier.
Background and Outlook
As Paul Simon sings “that’s astute…why don’t we get together and call ourselves an institute.” On the lighter side, that’s what we’ve done. We had been informally networked since 2004. ICES maintains a network that conducts and circulates cultural, educational, or social research and discourse that are critical in method, scope, tone, and content.
ICES, Critical Education and Workplace defend the freedom, without restriction or censorship, to disseminate and publish reports of research, teaching, and service, and to express critical opinions about institutions or systems and their management. Co-Directors of ICES, co-Hosts of ICES and Workplace blogs, and co-Editors of these journals resist all efforts to limit the exercise of academic freedom and intellectual freedom, recognizing the right of criticism by authors or contributors.
ICES, Critical Education and Workplace function with an independent and free press ethic, as a publisher and as media for its academic and citizen journalists. Critical Education and Workplace publish academic research along with a range of critical opinion while the ICES and Workplace blogs, Twitter stream, and FaceBook walls support academic and citizen journalism. The co-Directors of ICES function in various capacities as editors, researchers, teachers, cultural critics or intellectuals, and academic and citizen journalists.
ICES, Critical Education and Workplace defend open access and the principle that making information or research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Academic Freedom statements:
CAUT on Academic Freedom and
AAUP on Academic Freedom
Intellectual Freedom statements:
CLA on Intellectual Freedom
ALA on Intellectual Freedom and
IFLA on Intellectual Freedom
Contact ICES: