Single Point Rubric

I was introduced by a colleague last year to the idea of using a ‘single column’ or ‘single point’ rubric. As someone who has some concerns about the impact of rubrics, this is an excellent option for me and, likely, for many learners you may know! This form of rubric allows you to be explicit about criteria and then, as a self- peer- or teacher assessment, you can provide students with  guidance without shutting down the learning (and also without the dangers of a student always ‘falling into the 1 or 2 column!). With this more open rubric, students can see where they might improve (whether to excel or to to meet expectations) and where they are already meeting expectations. As a self-evaluation, I think it’s great to have them consider ‘evidence’ of meeting… rather than just ‘checking the box!). Here is a grade 6 numeracy example from Bev Bunker who introduced me to this type of rubric. (Yvonne Dawydiak, Tech Integration Mentor).

Here is a sample co-created by an inquiry class I taught at UBC to evaluate their professional blogs. Feel free to use / revise the template for your own purposes! Single Column Rubric Sample-2 [Link Broken]

This blog post by Jennifer Gonzales gives a comprehensive overview of the single point rubric and provides some examples.

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