Library workshops begin very soon! Courses are offered on campus,
at C & W, and online with Wimba Classroom. Everyone is welcome.

To register for these and other workshops, please see this link:

January 23 – RefWorks for the Sciences
January 28 – Current Awareness Tools in the Sciences
January 28 – Current Awareness Tools in the Health Sciences
January 30 – RefWorks for the Health Sciences
February 11 – RefWorks for the Natural Sciences (Wimba Live Classroom)
February 20 – RefWorks for the Sciences
February 23 – Current Awareness Tools in the Sciences
February 24 – RefWorks for the Health Sciences
February 24 – PubMed, Ovid, MEDLINE: what’s it all about?

photo by Colin Purrington

It has been 150 years since the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, and 200 years since his birth (February 12). To celebrate, there will be a number of exciting events throughout the year.

Check out the Vancouver Evolution Festival web site for local events, including who’s speaking at the free public lecture series Darwin and You.

If you want to go further afield, the Darwin Day Celebration web site lists events in over 20 countries.

Publishers have also joined in with the following special publications commemorating Darwin.

Happy Birthday Darwin!

As of January 1st 2009, we will be moving BIOSIS Previews from the OVIDSP platform to the Web of Knowledge interface.

You can try it now at:

You’ll be able to search BIOSIS Previews and Web of Science simultaneously, and there is no limit to the number of people who can access BIOSIS at one time.

Need help? See the Quick Reference Card (PDF) or ask Sally Taylor or Katherine Miller for help.

Happy searching!



UBC Life Sciences Librarians and Library Staff Lauded by their colleagues from around the province of British Columbia.

Charlotte Beck for Transition to EBSCO CINAHL: Reprogramming OVID saved searches and Truncation & Wildcard Symbols

Charlotte Beck, Dean Giustini and Teresa Lee, UBC for Evidence-Based Practice Clinical Question / Search Plan Worksheet

Jeremy Buhler, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies; Teresa Lee, UBC; Trina Fyfe, UNBC for UBC OvidSP MEDLINE Tutorial – UBC Library

Jeremy Buhler, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, UBC;Ellen George, UBC; Kimberley Hintz, UBC for The Guided Tour – UBC Library

Dean Giustini, UBC for UBC HealthLib-Wiki – A Knowledge-Base for Health Librarians

Katherine Kalsbeek, Sally Taylor & Suzan Zagar, UBC for Library Research Skills for Biologists

Teresa Lee, UBC for Article Indexes & Databases search worksheet

Much of this excellent work has been donated to the librarian community to use at their institutions by depositing it into ALPS LINK, part of the SOLR, BC Campus’ learning objects repository.

For more information click here

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Library





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