The Library’s Health Information Series is pleased to present a session on the topic of sleep and its effects on children’s and parent’s health.

Dr. Wendy Hall , professor at UBC’s School of Nursing and Associate Dean in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, will lead the discussion.

Her presentation entitled “When Lullabies Are Not Enough: Reducing the Impact of Poor Sleep on Infants, Toddlers & Their Parents” will take place at the Terry Salman Branch Library of the Vancouver Public
LIbrary on Thursday, June 14th, at 10:30 am.

Everyone is welcome. The session will be webcast at

Thursday March 22nd @ noon ONLINE

How do you organize your research literature and automatically produce  bibliographies? Learn how to manage your citations and automatically produce formatted bibliographies and in-line citations using RefWorks!

Instructor: Helen Brown

Introduction to RefWorks

Learn how to manage your citations and automatically produce formatted bibliographies and in-line citations using RefWorks! We recommend you bring your own laptop to this session.

Woodward Library Basement Computer Lab Thursday, Feb 23rd, 1:00PM – 2:00PM


Live Webcast Link: 

Elder Care – Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Self-Care – March 1, 2012 – 7:00-8:30pm at Richmond Public Library’s Brighouse Branch Library

Presented by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and Woodward Library, the Health Information Series is an ongoing public lecture series that take place in the Lower Mainland community.  Who is a geriatrician? Someone who is dedicated to the health and well-being of our nation’s elders; someone who is dedicated to medically complex patient care involving interacting medical, neurological, psychiatric and social problems; someone who is on the front lines in coping with the changes associated with the graying of our society…and more!   Dr. Wong is Clinical Professsor in the Division of Geriatric Medicine of the Department of Medicine, and is also President of the Canadian Geriatrics Society (CGS) — the first British Columbian to lead the organization in 20 years. As an expert on aging and geriatrics support, please join us as Dr. Roger Wong will bring a lively presentation and discussion to the community of Richmond, BC at the Brighouse Branch Library of the Richmond Public Library.

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Catch the last day of events at Open Access week! Events are held in the Lillooet room in IKBLC.

The final session includes the following presentations in the life sciences:

  • Wash with Care
    Dr. Anne-Marie Nicol, Assistant Professor, UBC School of Population and Public Health
  • Open Science
    Dr. Rosie Redfield, Professor, Zoology
  • Cazypedia
    Dr. Harry Brumer, Professor, Michael Smith Laboratories and Department of Chemistry
  • Transcription Factor Encyclopedia (TFe)
    Dr. Wyeth Wasserman, Professor, Medical Genetics and Dimas Yusuf , 3rd year medical student

How do you manage your research and automatically produce  bibliographies? Learn about RefWorks – citation management software at this noon-hour workshop. We recommend you bring your own laptop to this session.


Tuesday October 25th 12 PM Noon at Woodward Library McKechnie Room (next to Information Desk)

Instructor: Helen Brown

LFS 250 students, join us for this live, ONLINE workshop showing the tools to find the research literature for your LFS 250 assignment and get answers to your library research questions!


Please log-in at least 15 minutes early to make sure your computer set-up & sound is working well. READ ME: How to prepare for an online class

BIOL 140 students, join us for this live, ONLINE workshop showing the tools to find the research literature for your BIOL 140 assignment and get answers to your library research questions!


Please log-in at least 15 minutes early to make sure your computer set-up & sound is working well.

READ ME: How to prepare for an online class

Highlights of BIOL 200 Workshop posted to course page.

How do you find the best research literature for your BIOL 200 research assignment? Check out this recording of our library workshop targeted at helping you with your assignment:


Introduction to PubMed ONLINE workshop

PubMed is a biomedical database that includes citations from Medline, life sciences journals and online books. This session will provide an overview of searching within Pubmed, as well as covering some of the additional features including My NCBI account, saving and managing searches, and creating email alerts.

This session is offered online. Please see: How to Prepare for an Online Class


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