Author Archives: friesenn

Who was Klaus Mollenhauer?

I’ve been working on the introduction for the translation of Klaus Mollenhauer’s Forgotten Connections (more info about the book here). Through the generous of Alex Aβmann, I’ve gotten a hold of some interviews and a photo (right). Some of the … Continue reading

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Phenomenology and Practice

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Classroom Screen Literacies

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Forgotten Connections

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(Re)Inventing the Internet

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What's the Learning in 21st Century Learning?

Preparing an abstract for a presentation at SFU’s Ed. Summer Institute, and have been inspired by Diskurse des Lernens(Discourses of Learning) by Käte Mayer-Drawe. Here’s my translation of a page from the introduction: Learning begins… where and when that which is … Continue reading

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CTheory – Jailbreaking the Perfect User Interface

Just published a paper on titled: Doing with Icons makes Symbols; or, Jailbreaking the Perfect User Interface Here’s a sample: “Mediation and technologies of mediation, whether the sign (Vygotsky), the symbol (Piaget), or the mirror or signifier (Lacan), all … Continue reading

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Dewey's Cosmic Traffic: Politics and Pedagogy as Communication

Dewey’s cosmic traffic [slideshare id=12240322&doc=deweyscosmictraffic-120401024713-phpapp02] View another webinar from Norm Friesen This is a set of slides and audio recording from the Media Transatlantic IV Conference in Paderborn. (Richard Cavell and I hosted Media Transatlantic III at UBC in 2010). … Continue reading

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Special Issue of Techné on my Article "Dissection and Simulation"

Robert Rosenberger (Georgia Tech) has put together a special issue of Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology based on my article on Dissection & Simulation: Transparency or Encumbrance? (draft). This special issue contains articles or responses by Don Ihde, Albert … Continue reading

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Friedrich Kittler’s “Forgetting:” The Whistler at the Gates of Morning?

I’ve tracked down a copy of an early paper by Kittler, titled “Forgetting” (1979). The translation appears to be quite good, except for the unfortunate rendering of Pink Floyd’s Piper at the Gates of Dawn as in the title, above. … Continue reading

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