Please read the following before class on Tuesday, Feb. 25
Foucault, Discipline and Punish Part One Chpt. 1 & 2, pp. 3-57 (rest of Chapter 2 is optional)
Second lecture (Jan 14, 1976) from Society Must be Defended: Lectures at the Collège de France 1975-1976. On the course Connect site, here:
optional: May, The Philosophy of Foucault, Chapter 3, pp. 61-85
My notes on the presentation we had today, including the discussion afterwards:
Presentation on first two chapters of DP (MS Word)
Presentation on first two chapters of DP (PDF)
Here are my notes on the readings for today:
Notes on Foucault, DP Part 1 Chpts 1&2 (MS Word)
Notes on Foucault, DP Part 1 Chpts 1&2 (PDF)
The handout given in class on Feb. 25 with quotes from Foucault about power
Foucault, quotes on power and power/knowledge (MS Word)
Foucault, quotes on power and power/knowledge (PDF)
Please read the following before class on Thursday, Feb. 27
Foucault, Discipline and Punish Part Two Chpt. 2, pp. 104 -131.
My notes on the presentation on the reading for this day
Presentation on Foucault, DP, Part 2 Chpt. 2 (MS Word)
Presentation on Foucault, DP, Part 2 Chpt. 2 (PDF)
My notes on the reading for this day
Foucault, DP, Part 2 Chpt. 2 notes (MS Word)
Foucault, DP, Part 2 Chpt. 2 notes (PDF)
Due Feb. 28
Be sure to submit on the Connect site, a document with URLs for your posts and comments for February (2 posts, no more than one per week, and 4 comments on others’ posts, no more than two per week). This should be done by midnight on Friday, Feb. 28.