Learning Technology Panopto Teaching Activity Video


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Panopto is our preferred video management platform for recording, organizing, embedding, and even live streaming course content, lectures, presentations, and recorded synchronous sessions.

Once filmed, Panopto-hosted videos can be embedded in Canvas courses.

Teaching Scenarios

What Is Panopto?

Panopto is a complete video management platform that provides a suite of web-based video editing tools for users. It is a tool for recording, organizing, embedding, and even live streaming course content, lectures, presentations, and recorded synchronous sessions. It can also be embedded in Canvas courses for video and audio course content, on top of being used for DIY lecture capture, instructional content, and screencasts.

Why Panopto?

Panopto has been an efficient and effective tool at Sauder for recording student presentations and faculty courses over the past few years. Panopto offers enhanced media features, such as student engagement tools and automatic captioning capabilities. Panopto also offers greater ease of use and better administrative management compared to other video management platforms. Panopto users are also able to leverage Panopto’s features outside of their Canvas courses.

Particular benefits of Panopto include:

  • Branding: Learning Services has created an automated tool for adding Sauder branding to video material. You can request branding to be added to any of your videos. Our branding service is able to add the Sauder program branding of your choice automatically.
  • Security: You have control over the privacy of your videos and whom you share them with. You can also control the availability time for individual videos, allowing you fine grained control over when a video is available to view.
  • Accessibility: Panopto offers machine-generated and searchable speech to text and automated closed captioning to improve the accessibility of your video content.
  • Searchability: Panopto makes it easy to search within your content. You can search for keywords in notes, bookmarks, captions, etc.

Getting Started

Requesting an account

How to sign up for Panopto

  1. Contact the Sauder Learning Services team with an email request to set up a Panopto account for you. To create your account, please let us know the following details:
    • Your referred name within the Panopto account
    • Email address (must be or domains AND should be the same as Zoom if you would like to use the Zoom cloud recording synchronization)
    • Your primary division/group affiliation
    • Whether you would like to have your Panopto account configured to automatically synchronize your cloud recordings from Zoom.
  2. An email will be sent to you with your account information, and you will be given a temporary password.
  1. Follow the link in the email to finish setting up your account with a new password. If the link in the email gives an error message, you can visit to connect.
  2. Once your account is set up, you will have access to your personal folder where you can record and upload videos, get their embed codes, copy them to course folders, and share them. You can find your personal folder on the menu to the left.

User Guides & Links

Panopto Documentation

Panopto has excellent documentation for all features on their support site. Also available are help videos with walk-throughs about how to use the many available features.

After you’ve signed up for a Panopto account, follow the instructions below to help you get started.

Uploading content to Panopto

  1. Click the “My Folder” tab on the left to access your collection of videos and folders. Find or create a new folder in your “My Folder” tab to upload your content to. You can also search for the folder you are trying to access in the search bar at the top of the page.
Add folder in Panopto
  1. Click the Create button and choose “Upload media” from the options.
Create options in Panopto

You can upload videos in most common file formats. You can also add PowerPoint presentations or PDF files to go with your content.

  1. To upload media, drag and drop the files you want into the box and wait for them to load.
Upload media - drag and drop box

Once uploaded, you can review your video, manage its access, and edit it (add clips, PowerPoint presentations, or cut sections of your video).

File Options after upload

Embedding videos in Canvas using embed codes

  1. Click the Share button for the video you want the embed code.
File Options after upload

Click Embed at the top of the window, and different options will appear to allow changes on how your video will be displayed in the page you embed it in.

Once you have selected your preferences, click the Copy Embed Code button.

Adjust the ‘Who has access’ option to Anyone with the link. Save changes.

Go to Canvas and the page you are going to embed your video onto. Click the Edit button at the top right corner.

Edit button

Click on the three dots to view other buttons available, then click the Embed menu item or Embed button.  

Canvas RCE Insert > Embed command
image of embed menu item in Canvas RCE.png

          On the Embed dialog, paste the embed code you just copied.

Embed code dialog Canvas RCE

Click Save.

Sharing your video

  1. Hover over the video you want to share in the list of videos in your folder, then click the Share button.
  2. You can copy the video link and send it to anyone you want.
  1. You can also manage who has access to your video and add or remove people.

If you want someone to have access to your video, you can invite anyone with a Panopto account, and they will be notified directly.

Panopto FAQ

  • Is there any Panopto training?
  • Where can I find Panopto?
  • Can I log in with a CWL username and password?
    • CWL passwords are not supported at this time. Your Panopto account will be created with your CWL username to facilitate the future integration of the CWL password logins.
  • How do I add Sauder branding to my videos?
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Assessing – At a Glance

There are many ways to assess whether or not students are learning the concepts, behaviours, and knowledge that are intended by their instructor. Generally speaking, assessments fall under two categories: formative and summative.

Assessments are also best when they are authentic in nature, meaning that they are as close to what students would experience in the real-world as possible.

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