From Organización de Ratón de biblioteca Director Sandra Zuloaga Sánchez, Project Director Yamili Ocampo Molina:
Congratulations and a big big thanks to the following students:
Spanish for Community Fellows:
Katie Marchant for her work at Bibliotecas Esperanza, Villa Guadalupe y Villatina, helping students of the Spanish 301 #102 class with their project and for being such a great teacher, the children in Medellín love you!
Miguel Cunanam and Enikoe Szmola, for your work at Biblioteca Esperanza.
Spanish 301 #102 students:
Jade Quinn, Grace Bengtson, and Benjamin Paradis, for your work at Bibliotecas Esperanza y Villatina.
Salina Edwards y Maile Kuyper, for your work at Biblioteca Villa Guadalupe.
Sienna Nargang-White, Grey Figueroa Mercado y Micah Mizushima, for your work at Biblioteca Villatina.
Ecaterina Macari, Saffah Ibrahimi, Deeba Mehr, for your work at Biblioteca Villa Guadalupe.
Comments by Maria Carbonetti