My name is Gabriela. I’m a recent Accounting graduate from the UBC Sauder School of Business. Throughout my career I was involved as a student leader in the UBC Sauder Health and Wellness Committee and the UBC Sauder Leading with Confidence program. My passion for people has not only expanded in the Commerce faculty but also through the Arts. As someone in Mexico City, I enjoyed learning Spanish, Portuguese and French throughout my undergrad. This experience allowed me to enrich my knowledge of my Latinoamerican culture, something I am very proud of.


In SPAN 302, I had the opportunity to work with Maria Carbonetti and Lorenia Salgado in partnership with Ratón de Biblioteca, a Colombian community library organization. I was so blessed to have the opportunity to do a research project in which we explored community libraries throughout Central America to implement new services and programs. I also assisted with the translation of fundraising presentations to help collect funds for future projects. I hope to continue volunteering for Spanish for Community in the near future, and ultimately give back to my home-away-from-home community.


A fun fact! I always enjoy meeting new people, specially if it involves a hike and good food (oh and bonus if there’s a pupper in the mix).