We are honored to welcome Aylín Ñancucheo to our classroom, member of the Mapuche community in the province of Neuquén, Argentina. This Friday, March 1st, the UBC FHIS community will be visited by Aylín, who is a poet, communicator, knowledge keeper, and Mapuzugún expert. She has recently published a collection of poems, VI Ejaliwen Mew, Cantos del Alba. The visit is part of the Community Engaged Learning – Spanish for Community component of Spanish 300 and 400-level courses, which focuses on an international project that connects Indigenous experiences through poetry, Palabras Madres / Mother Words. Visits from scholars like Aylín help students connect firsthand to the poetry they study, and allow them to learn about the poetic experience in another language.
Aylín will visit over Zoom from 12:00-12:50pm.
Zoom link for Aylín’s visit:
Comments by Isabelle Whittall