Professional Development

UBC 3 minute postdoc slam: Present your research in 3 minutes to win!

3MPS 2016 details

DATE: Thursday, 26th of May

PRESENTATIONS (4 – 6 PM): Room LSC3 (lecture theatre)

Our annual 3MPS is back! Engage the audience and tell us about your research in exactly 3 minutes, using one static slide. Top 3 presenters to win $100, $75 and $50 in cash!

Tara L. Klassen, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, will join us to give a special guest presentation from 5:30 to 6:00 PM on communicating your research to the public.

Snacks and refreshments will be served from 6:00 PM in Room 1510.

If you would like to present at the event, please sign up by 19 May. Space is limited, so sign up soon!  Check out the rules and additional details of the contest here!

If you do not want to present, please still join us as an audience member! To attend, please register online, or at the door. Please contact The UBC PDA if you have any questions.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

Call for Nominations: 2016/2017 PDA Executive

We are excited to announce the call for nominations for candidates to be part of the UBC Postdoctoral Association’s 2016/2017 Executive Team.

This is a great opportunity to:

  1. Gain leadership experience
  2. Represent the postdoc community
  3. Organize professional development, research and networking events

The PDA Executive Team consists of 6 Volunteer Officers (i.e. President and 5 VPs) whose position will be voted on at our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, March 30th in the Life Sciences Institute (LSI) room 1330 (5 pm). For a detailed list of our open Officer Positions and a description of their role below.

We encourage all postdocs to attend the AGM on March 30th.
Light snacks and refreshments will be served!

Eligibility: All candidates must be UBC Postdoctoral Fellows.

Service on the Executive Committee: Candidates should be able to attend the majority of the Executive Committee meetings held bimonthly either on or off-campus, as well as the PDA events. Executive Committee member terms are 1-year beginning April 2016-March 2017.

Self-Nomination: Download the UBC PDA nomination form here. Please fill out this  form and return it to along with: a recent photo and a short Letter of Interest (100-200 words) detailing your interest in serving on the PDA Executive and any relevant experience.

Nomination deadline: Wednesday March 23rd, 2016.

Commitment: On average, the President attends 2 meetings a month (5-10 hours a month), while the VP attends 1-2 meetings a month (2-7 hours a month)

Executive positions open for election (click to read role descriptions):

The UBC PDA President shall:

Act as the public face of the PDA to:

  1. speak on behalf of the PDA at orientation and wherever appropriate
  2. understand the needs of PDA members and ensure equal representation across departments

Be responsible for meetings of the PDA Executive members to:

  1. chair and set the agenda for meetings
  2. ensure proper operation of the meetings
  3. take minutes at meetings, or designate a member to do so
  4. manage copies of the minutes, agendas, and any other materials

Be responsible for the execution of decisions by the PDA Executives

Lead the Annual General Meeting and PDA Elections

Work together with the VP-Communications to:

  1. direct content for communication to members of the UBC postdoc community
  2. manage and update the website
  3. respond to emails
  4. direct the advertisement of PDA events.

Work together with the VP-External to:

  1. collaborate and communicate with the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars
  2. raise awareness of postdoctoral issues and find avenues of support

Work together with the VP-Social to create a calendar of social events and ensure a broad outreach.

Work together with the VP-Operations to:

  1. ensure liaising with the UBC Postdoctoral Fellows office and Deans office
  2. representing the PDA during meetings with UBC faculty, staff and administrators
  3. coordinate the Executive Members of the PDA

Work together with the VP-Finance to:

  1. ensure responsible stewardship over the annual budget when planning events
  2. being aware of outflow and inflow

**President and/or VP-External has the chance to attend the annual CAPA/CAPS Meeting

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The UBC PDA VP-Operations shall:

  1. Organize professional development activities for postdocs.
  2. Set up regular PDA meetings via doodle polls and arrange suitable venues on/off campus
  3. Organize non-social UBC-PDA events
  4. Attend and participate in meetings of the PDA executive members
  5. Assist in all PDA executive members plan.
  6. Perform duties of the President, in the event of absence or illness of the President

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The UBC PDA VP-External shall:

  1. Raise the voice of UBC postdoctoral fellows at regional and national platforms through participation and dialogues with the Canadian Association for Postdoctoral Scholars (CAPS-ACSP)
  2. Build and promote alliance with various BC industrial sectors to create opportunities for researchers outside academia
  3. Work with CAPS-ACSP to create and sustain dialogue with legislators to acknowledge the role of postdoctoral fellows and research associates to Canadian economy
  4. Address or raise awareness for issues relevant to postdoctoral fellows and research associates
  5. Work with the UBC PDA executive team to ensure smooth running of the organization and liaise with its partners

**President and/or VP-External has the chance to attend the annual CAPA/CAPS Meeting

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The UBC PDA VP-Communications shall:

  1. Be responsible for the development of the communication strategy
  2. Manage communication activities that promote, enhance, and protect the PDA’s brand reputation
  3. Responsible for disseminating news items relevant to UBC postdocs, in the form of a monthly newsletter
  4. Work with the President in planning content for the PDA newsletters
  5. Work with the President to recognize internal and external communications opportunities
  6. Work with the President in managing communications on the PDA’s Facebook page and Twitter
  7. Exercise judgment to prioritize media opportunities, and prepare presentations and other supporting material as needed during events
  8. Work with the team to maintain and continuously improve the PDA website
  9. Promote events
  10. Support the communications needs of the PDA and the Postdoctoral Fellows Office

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The UBC PDA VP-Social shall:

  1. Attend and participate in the biannual PDA orientations
  2. Advertise the PDA to the new postdocs
  3. Deliver the “Getting to Know Vancouver” talk
  4. Organize a social for postdocs after the orientation
  5. Plan, advertise and execute regular social and networking events for postdocs, including the annual:
  6. Whistler trip (organize to/from Whistler and reserve accommodation at the UBC lodge)
  7. 3 Minute Postdoc Slam” competition (assist all PDA executive members plan)
  8. UBC Postdoc Research Day” (assist all PDA executive members plan)
  9. Holiday party (venue reservation and run games e.g. “white elephant”)
  10. Organize monthly social events for the PDA community
  11. Attend and participate in meetings of the PDA executive members, which include booking public venues on/off UBC campus

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The UBC PDA VP-Finance shall:

  1. Be a Postdoctoral fellow residing in the Life Sciences Institute (due to budget restrictions)
  2. Oversee correct use and spending of the UBC PDA budget and liaise with Life Science Institute (LSI) admin staff
  3. Help organize events (3-Minute Postdoc Slam, Postdoctoral Research Day, seminars in general)
  4. Serve as the LSI Postdoc representative on the Life Sciences Institute Steering Committee (meets once a month)

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Executive Committee Members:

These volunteers are non-elected and serve as helpers.

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PDA Postdoc Talks: 16 February 2016

Details for the event:
The Railway Club – 579 Dunsmuir St. at Seymour
Tuesday, November 16th at 7:00pm
RSVP for our event here

Postdoctoral researchers are critical to the research performed at academic institutions. UBC ‘Postdoc Talks’ is a public forum that will allow you to learn more about what postdocs do in an engaging, informal and fun atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, so share the word with your friends and family!

Please click on the links below for more details regarding our two speakers and their talks! Follow the links for a summary of the speakers’ presentations.
Dr. Timo Schaefer:
Liberalism as Utopia: Mexico in the Age of Revolution, 1820-1846
Dr. Britt Drögemöller:
A genetic prescription – using genomics to personalize medicine

PDA Postdoc Talks: 17 November 2015

Details for the event:
The Railway Club – 579 Dunsmuir St. at Seymour
Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00pm
RSVP for our event here

Postdoctoral researchers are critical to the research performed at academic institutions. UBC ‘Postdoc Talks’ is a public forum that will allow you to learn more about what postdocs do in an engaging, informal and fun atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, so share the word with your friends and family!

Please click on the links below for more details regarding our two speakers and their talks!
Dr. Brianne Kent:
Why we haven’t cured Alzheimer’s disease
Dr. Lars Kotthoff:
Engineering the Rise of the Machines

PDA Postdoc Talks: 6 October 2015

Details for the event:
The Railway Club – 579 Dunsmuir St. at Seymour
Tuesday, October 6th at 7:00pm
RSVP for our event here

Postdoctoral researchers are critical to the research performed at academic institutions. UBC ‘Postdoc Talks’ is a public forum that will allow you to learn more about what postdocs do in an engaging, informal and fun atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, so share the word with your friends and family!

Please click on the links below for more details regarding our two speakers and their talks!
Dr. Jesse Tanguay:
Avoiding the medical isotope crisis: Canada’s alternative production strategy
Dr. Thomas Procter:
Lost in the woods: Discovering TRIUMF

UBC PDA Travel Award 2015

We are pleased to announce a new funding initiative, The UBC Postdoctoral Association Travel Award. UBC postdoctoral fellows are invited to apply for a $600 travel award to attend the 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars (CAPS-ACSP) (October 29th and 30th 2015). This meeting is held jointly with the 2015 Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Administrators (CAPA) Conference.

CAPS-ACSP are a committee of postdoctoral scholars and representatives who aim to better the training experience for postdoctoral researchers. Attend the CAPS general meeting and the CAPA conference to learn more about postdoc issues in Canada.

Applications Due (extended): October 5th 2015
Notification of Acceptance: October 6th 2015

The adjudication of this award will be performed by the UBC Postdoctoral Association and supported by the Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology. Additional information on eligibility and how to apply can be found in the application form.

PDA Research Day 2015

2015 Research Day website


We are excited to announce that we are holding our annual Research Day on Tuesday 22 September 2015! This half-day mini conference is our flagship event every year. This is a great opportunity to showcase your research and network with individuals from diverse departments at UBC and the industry.

Presentations (2 – 4PM LSC3 Theatre)
Posters and reception after the oral presentations (LSC Atrium)

If you are a UBC postdoc or research associate and would like to make a 10 minute oral presentation or a poster presentation, please submit your abstract here (the oral submission has closed, but you can still submit a poster until 16 September).

Attendance is free and open to all interested parties. Please RSVP here. Space is limited (last year we had a wait list), so please sign up early to avoid disappointment! Cash prizes to be won and drinks and refreshments will be served.

‘Postdoc Talks’: Call for Abstracts!


The PDA is calling for postdocs to present their field of research to a non-specialized audience in an engaging, informal and fun way that captures the imagination and leaves us wanting more! This talk will be nothing like your typical conference presentations, or your academic job talks. We want to know what you do in a broader context, and what the significance and real world applications of your research are.

Why? Promote postdoctoral research in the local community and improve communication and public engagement skills.

When? This is a brand new series of talks that will be held at the Railway Club over the summer. First event will be held on July 8th 2015.

More dets? Two speakers with different backgrounds will be featured. Each talk will be 30mins with time for discussion.

This is a great opportunity for the public to engage in YOUR research! If you’re passionate and up to the challenge, please send us your abstract . Abstracts that demonstrate your ability to communicate the significance of your research in an accessible and engaging way will be selected.

3MPS 2015 Presentations and Results

The 3 Minute Postdoc Slam 2015 was a great success – thank you to everyone who participated and attended! Congratulations to our winners:

1st place – Dr. Masahiro Minami
2nd place (and Peoples’ Choice) – Dr. Cherry Ng
3rd Place – Dr. Jane O’Hara

Fortunately, if you were unable attend, you can watch their presentations right here! Our guest speaker, Dr. Jeremy Hirota, has also been kind enough to share his presentation with us! Scroll down for these videos, slides as well as photos from the event. The PDA hopes to see you all again at our Research Day which will be taking place later in the year.

Dr Jeremy Hirota
Assistant Professor, Division of Respiratory Medicine, UBC
The Importance of Effective (Science) Communication

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Dr. Masahiro Minami
Giving peace a chance…
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Dr. Cherry Ng
Pulsar hunting and detecting gravitational waves
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Dr. Jane O’Hara
Creativity: A Common Link between the Arts and the Sciences
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Photographs from the event

Created with flickr slideshow.


Thanks to Chris Rider for the videos and photographs