Week 2: Target Games (Lesson Plan)

Intermediate Lesson Plan:

Grade 6/7 Target Game Lesson Plan (Indoor or Outdoor)

Amy Flett, Bobby Chilaka, Mike Rines and Nicole Hothi



To improve target game skills

To illustrate the negativity of hall of shame games

To develop strategies as a team



  1. A1 Relate personal physical and emotional heath benefits to regular participation in physical activity
  2. B3 Demonstrate the proper technique to send and receive an object with or without an implement in predictable setting
  3. C2 Model fair play when participating in physical activity (encourages teamwork)


Equipment required: Pylon cones, Frisbees, and gator balls

Safety issues: strains and pulls throughout students’ body, slipping on the gator balls, and poor accuracy leading to injury

Principles of learning: teamwork, accuracy, and strategy

Management/organizational strategies: shape of the day, small groups, goal management and clear communication



5-10 minutes

Shape of the Day(Nicole)

Instant Game: Stop the knot! (Nicole)

15 minutes

Warm up stretches and dodge ball (Bobby and Mike)

10-15 minutes

Summary/Discussion (Everyone)

15 minutes

Modified dodge ball (Amy)


Students needs and contributes:

Cognitive: An explanation and a change in summary of activity can be modified and targeted to a younger audience (eg. Using smaller words).

Affective Development: The ability to change and be flexible with the game based on the level of development of students. A positive peer relationship between the students is broadened through physical activity.

Physical: provides opportunity for physical education and extracurricular activities which can further provide educational benefits.


Demonstrations, questioning, feedback and check for understanding:

Before the instant game, we will be demonstrating a quick example of what the human knot is suppose to look like at the beginning of the activity. During the summary portion of our lesson, we will hope to have an engaging discussion about the negativity of hall of shame games. Our last activity is a modified version of dodge ball. We hope then we can come to an understanding with students that hall of shame games are seen as negative, but there is always something that can be changed to create a positive physical educational experience.


Modify and adapting lesson:

Having students who learn in different ways, the instructors will both verbally and physically explain and demonstrate instructions. By getting students into groups of 7-8, we are creating a safe environment in the gymnasium where students feel more comfortable and confident talking and discussing about our summary.


Links used:




  1. Giving students the responsibility with helping set up the next activity
  2. Being prepared at the beginning of the class with all the equipment out and ready to be used
  3. Getting students attention: whistle and a clapping signal


Score Descriptor Description
6 Excellent Always changed. They go above and beyond average for participation, effort and attitude. Does things without asking. They are always on task. They are involved in game play, work well with others and are always encouraging their teammates. They demonstrate great skills for their age and show leadership qualities.
5 Very Good Always changed. They go above and beyond average for participation, effort and attitude. Does things without asking. They are always on task. They are involved in game play and work well with others, often encouraging their teammates. They demonstrate above basic skills.
4 Good Always changed. Great participation, effort and attitude. Always offer to help. They do not need reminders and are on task. They are involved in game play and work well with others, often encouraging their teammates. They demonstrate better than basic skills.
3 Satisfactory Almost always changed. Does participate, good effort and attitude. They do not need reminders and are on task. They will volunteer to help. They work well with others. They have the basic skills and are involved in game play.
2 Needs Improvement Sometimes is not on time and/or not prepared for class. Does participate in class, but not to the maximum effort and can have a negative attitude at times. Sometimes needs reminders to participate and stay focused. Sometimes has difficulty working with others (cooperation/teamwork). Does not show much skill and is not involved in game play. Only helps when asked and is not happy about it.
1 Unsatisfactory Often late for class and unprepared, poor effort/participation/attitude. Often needs encouragement/reminders to participate or stay on task. They do not show much or any skill and are not involved in game play. Does not work well with others (cooperation/teamwork). Never volunteers


Assessment for Learning:



Where is the learner going Where the learner is How to get there
Teacher Clarify success criteria Check understanding Teacher feedback on how to improve
Peer Share success criteria Peer evaluation criteria Peer feedback on how to improve
Learner Understand success criteria Self evaluation of criteria Pupil feedback on how to improve


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