Thinking of domains as a group creates a holistic approach to assessment
Physical educators have to make judgments based on collected assessment data utilizing checklists, analytic rating scales, and rubrics.
Should be continuous throughout the year and collaborative – Both students and parents could benefit from being involved in the assessment process and students become aware of their abilities strengths and weaknesses they can set and meet their own learning goals
– There should be a balance of curricular outcomes based on the inclusion of cognitive, psychomotor, and effective criteria and also be a variety of assessment strategies used, such as learning logs, performance task, and portfolios rather than simply skills-based testing
– Assessment needs to have a clear understanding of which criteria students are to be measured and evaluated
Norm-referenced and criterion referenced evaluation
– When the student’s abilities are referenced in relation to another; when the student’s abilities are referenced in relation to a standard deviation of average
– Three types of validity:
- Content validity-how well an assessment accurately measures student learning of what was taught 2. Criterion validity-how well an assessment aligns with articulated criteria
- Construct validity-how well an assessment measures what it supposed to be measured
Reliability based on how consistent a measure is implemented over a number of occasions
Internally consistent reliability: how well an assessment measures components that are equally challenging; Inter-rater reliability: how well assessment measures results when applied to different students
– What pre-existing knowledge the students have in relation to outcomes and expectations?
– Where are student’s cognitive psychomotor and affective knowledge in relation to other students?
Formative assessment
– provides ongoing feedback to the students and to the educator about the effectiveness of the lesson
– Students are able to appreciate their own improvements as well as others
Summative assessment
-coming at the end of the unit or term, this allows teachers to gauge skill levels at a certain point of time
Evaluation and grading
– There are many different ways to report student’s learning
– numerical scores and letter grades are the most common grading systems that are being replaced by the use of qualitative descriptors such as excellent, satisfactory, or needs improvement
Exit slips
– provide educators with knowledge of students understanding at the end of the term
– allow students to have immediate feedback on their progress, fair play, and cooperation
– should be made in collaboration with the students
– Should address all domains such as written assignments, fitness testing, and goals
Skill test– used to assess various movement tasks – Physical educators can isolate and assess particular movements and skills
Written tests– used to assess knowledge independent of psychomotor skills
Rubrics– rating scale with more detailed descriptors
- Allows students’ knowledge of expectations
- Help students understand what quality looks like
- Allow students to know what they should do differently the next time
- Allow students to self-assess
- Helps instructors plan lessons
- Allows teachers to justify grades
- Helps teachers communicate with caregivers
Movement domains: help provide a variety of activities for students
Five movement domains:
- Dance 2. Alternative environment physical activities 3. Individual physical activities 4. Games
- Gymnastics
Dance: There is much freedom within dance – Dance is cross-cultural – You can follow choreography or freestyle
Levels of Dance: 1. Movement for movement’s sake 2. Creating an aesthetic experience 3. To create a structured dance
– jumping rolling and climbing are fundamental skills of gymnastics that can be transferred for use in many sports – It’s an aesthetic sport that is concerned with movement – It has many forms but rhythmic gymnastics and educational gymnastics are usually taught in physical education
– Rhythmic gymnastics: incorporates dance, Music, and various apparatuses – Educational gymnastics: students work at their own level on tasks structured to develop understanding of movement, body awareness, and applied skill
Fundamental gymnastic skills:
- Locomotion– moving from place to place with emphasis on the way transference such as rolling and jumping, as well as, stepping actions such as running in skipping
- Statics– ask a balancing such as headstands, frog stands, and back arches
There are four different types of balances:
– Over-balance which involves shifting weight out of the base of support such as a forward roll
– Counter resistance which involves two or more people pushing against each other to achieve stability
– Counter attention involves partners pulling away from each other to create balance
– Suspension which usually happens in an apparatus
- Rotations– movements such as rolling, cartwheeling, and spinning
- Springs– involve any part of the body producing flight such as jumping or hopping
- Landings– The creation of stability after flight. It is the ability to absorb force.
- Swings– free-flowing movement on suspended from apparatus usually buy hands or knees on bars, ropes, and rings
Movement concepts:
- What is the body doing? 2. Where is the movement going? 3. What is the dynamic content or quality of movement? 4. With whom or two what is the movement relating?
Fundamental movement skills:
– Basic movement skills providing understanding and ability for more complex skills. They include running, stopping, turning, rolling, balancing, jumping, skipping, Etc.
Games theory
– All games are either individually, partner focused, or team focused – The students to know both the basic movements of a game as well as the rules pertaining to the game- Skills are both physical and tactical – Socio-affective factors such as relationships, motivation, and feelings of confidence and support are critical for games literacy
Games pedagogy
– Top down instruction about skills, tactics, and rules designed to meet learning objectives – Bottom up approach is more common in elementary physical education we’re mastering themes of the game is more important than mastering the technical aspects of it – Game is instructors need to know how to problem solve about the equipment; modify rules; and have students function in certain team roles
-Four stages of teaching games: 1. Developing control of an object 2. Control and combinations of skills 3. Knowledge of offense and defense 4. Complex gameplay
Individual physical activities
– Walking, swimming, and cycling are common individual physical activities
– Two types of physical fitness are health related fitness and skill related fitness
– Health related fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition
– Skill related fitness: agility and coordination, balance, speed, power
Alternative environment activities
– Activities not normally performed in a gymnasium or a playing field such as curling, swimming, canoeing, or skiing
– Safety is of the utmost importance because these activities are not normally done and highly controlled settings
– Land oriented physical activities such as hiking in orienteering are usually noncompetitive
Question: What are some reasons, unstated in the book, that dance should be incorporated into the physical education curriculum?
another discussion question: What are your thoughts around formative and summative assessments? Do you have experience with these forms of assessments from when you were an elementary PE student?