On Tuesday, the Group Teach did their lesson on technology and dance with the class. I think they did really well with their lesson; especially, great job of scaffolding our skills. They really got us moving around! I was sweating after the lesson was done. I also think that you guys all did give the clear instructions and it was easy to follow through. I liked how you guys give us some time to practice the movements as a whole class before we get together with our small group. I do enjoyed and have fun during the activity. Even though I’m not good at dancing or a dancer, I know I can just do my best. I think the main point is to go there and have FUN with the class! I know nowadays in most of the elementary schools, the students only got 30 minutes for their P.E. class. Personally, I think 30 minutes of P.E. is very short and is not enough for the students in a day. I think as a teacher, we should come up with some physical activities for students to do in the classroom as much as we can. The teachers can also integrate their iPads with their physical education and health courses and bring it to the class. For instance, they can set up the YouTube dance tutorials or go noodle routines activities in the class. The teacher can ask his or her students do those activities just at their classroom, and then they don’t have to worry about finding the place in the school. Overall, well done group!


2 thoughts on “GROUP B/ WEEK 8- REFLECTION”

  1. I agree with you Ivy! I liked how we could scaffold and follow the lead of Mona with the dance steps. I honestly just wanted to get to the full song and all the steps quickly and found I was impatient at times. I love dancing, it is so much fun and a good way to burn calories! We need to incorporate this into our classes and create lesson plans for our future PE classes.

    I also agree about students not having enough time to be active in the classroom. I have problems sitting through lectures and find that I lose interest at times and daydream. As a parent and an educator of children under the age of six I know that children generally cannot sit very long. They say the golden rule is based on their age. If they are 6 years old they should only sit for 6 minutes at a time and move onto something that gets them moving and motivated. YouTube is a great resource to get children to move, stretch, or dance and we as teachers should use this more often if the resources are in our classroom.

    A great class and lesson plan, I really enjoyed it!

  2. The dance lesson this week was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. It still was not my favorite class; I have not been converted to being a dancer. But I agree that the class itself was well run. I feel bad for Tara because she was so sick when trying to give the lesson and I was in the same boat when I gave mine. There was a marked progression to the lesson. I liked the fact that the steps were given and the music progressed with the choreography. It started and stopped, then new steps were added until there was a full dance and there was a comfort level that aided in doing a full dance. This reminds me of six weeks a few winters ago when my wife signed us up for Bollywood dance classes. The classes were run in much the same fashion, except for the fact that the Bollywood classes did not provide us the opportunity to create our own section of dance. I understand the need for dance within the curriculum especially given the need for diversity that meets the diversity of the students.

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